Boston Garden, Boston, MA

Summary (download all files)
flac16; 3 Source Matrix from Source 1: SBD (shnid=28788) Recording Info:
SBD -> Master Dat (48k); Transfer Info: Dat (Sony 500) -> Behringer UltraMatch SRC2000 -> SEK'D Prodif Plus -> Samplitude v7.02 Professional -> FLAC, Source 2: AUD (shnid=112782) Taper: Baker Master Audience: Nakamichi CM300/CP4 Shotguns > Sony D5; Transfer Maxell Metal Capsule's 100,100 > Nakamichi MR-1 > Korg MR-1000 @ 1 Bit/5.6 MHz and Source 3: AUD (shnid=87812 / shnid=13990) Source: Neumann km 82i > Sonosax SX-PR power supply > Sony TCD D10 PRO II DAT x1; Recorded by Jim Birkhead / Taper Section, left of SBD Cloned (January 1997): Casio DA-7 > Panasonic SV-3700; Transfer: Panasonic SV-3700 > M-Audio Audiophile 2496 to 48 khz Wavelab 5.0; Mastering with iZotope Ozone 3 > dithered to 44.1 khz > CDWAV1.9 > FLAC (level 8)

Textdoc (download)
Grateful Dead
Boston Garden
Boston, MA

FRESH LEGS, VOL. 6  (Matrix)

Source 1:  SBD  (shnid=28788)

Recording Info:
SBD -> Master Dat (48k)

Transfer Info:
Dat (Sony 500) -> Behringer UltraMatch SRC2000 ->
SEK'D Prodif Plus -> Samplitude v7.02 Professional -> FLAC

Transferred and Edited By Charlie Miller

Source 2:  AUD  (shnid=112782)

Taper: Baker
Master Audience: Nakamichi CM300/CP4 Shotguns > Sony D5
Transfer: Keo
Maxell Metal Capsule's 100,100 > Nakamichi MR-1 > Korg MR-1000 @ 1 Bit/5.6 MHz

Source 3: AUD  (shnid=87812 / shnid=13990)

Source: Neumann km 82i > Sonosax SX-PR power supply > Sony TCD D10 PRO II DAT x1
Recorded by Jim Birkhead / Taper Section, left of SBD
Cloned (January 1997): Casio DA-7 > Panasonic SV-3700
Transfer: Panasonic SV-3700 > M-Audio Audiophile 2496 to 48 khz Wavelab 5.0
Mastering with iZotope Ozone 3 > dithered to 44.1 khz > CDWAV1.9 > FLAC (level 8).
Transferred, Remastered by Bill Koucky
Seeded by Green Mountain Bros. October 23, 2007

The first four tracks of shnid=87812 are patched from shnid=13990:

Source: Schoeps (unknown model/ps) > D7 @48k
Transfer: 48k DAT clone> Sony PCM-R300 > Monster SPDIF digital cable > RMEdigi96/8PAD > SoundForge 6.0 (rec, 48>44 highest setting with anti-alias filter) > CDWav (splits) > mkw > shn (seekable)
SHNtool used verify track boundaries prior to wav>shn
Transfered by Marc Pujol 12/08/2002
Source DAT from Dave Minor via Matt Vernon


Set 1:

d1t01 - [crowd]
d1t02 - Jack Straw
d1t03 - Althea
d1t04 - Walkin' Blues
d1t05 - High Time
d1t06 - Me & My Uncle* >
d1t07 - Maggie's Farm*
d1t08 - Lazy River Road
d1t09 - [tuning]
d1t10 - Easy Answers >
d1t11 - Don't Ease Me In

Set 2:

d1t12 - [tuning]
d1t13 - Iko Iko

d2t01 - Saint of Circumstance >
d2t02 - Ship of Fools
d2t03 - Truckin' >
d2t04 - Drums >
d2t05 - Space >
d2t06 - I Need A Miracle >
d2t07 - Standing On the Moon
d2t08 - [crowd]
d2t09 - Rain

* = Weir on acoustic


General Notes:

- Thanks go to everyone who worked on and made available the sources used in th is matrix.  Obviously, this project would have been impossible without their prior efforts.

- This matrix fulfills a request by Matthew Robichaud.  This was his first show.  It definitely has its moments.  The highlight (which arguably makes it a worthy addition to any collection) is the "Standing On the Moon."  It may not be the best SOTM they ever played, but it's got to be up there.

Source Notes:

- Both sets are seamless.  The transition between discs is seamless.

- The Keo AUD is missing a small section of "Space," as well as parts of crowd-noise between (a) "Maggie's Farm" and "Lazy River Road" and (b) prior to the encore.

Technical Notes:

- The sources were remastered and mixed in Logic Pro 9.  Clean-up was done using iZotope RX 3 Advanced.  The sets were split in WaveLab LE 7.  SBE's were fixed using Trader's Little Helper.

- I speed- and pitch-corrected the AUD sources using the iZotope Radius algorithm.  Fine-tune syncing was done in Logic Pro 9.

- The Keo source, though I like the sound, is overblown, so I ran it through iZotope RX 3's Declip function subsequent to speed-correcting it.

Roger Eichorn
October 16, 2013

Media Size
881.97 MB(924813959 bytes)
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Thu Oct 17 2013 11:26:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sun Oct 20 2013 08:36:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

ffp (download)
flac-md5 (download)
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