SHNID 125709 Samantha Crain 2012-02-22
Point Ephémère, Paris, France
Textdoc (download)
Samantha Crain "Festival Fireworks!" Point Ephémère, Paris, france 2012-02-22 Sony ECM-719 > Edirol R-09 (mono) > Sound Forge 8 > FLAC siguesigue 01. Santa Fe 02. Paint 03. Lions 04. Scissor Tales 05. Traipsing Through The Aisles 06. Devils In Boston Notes This was a solo performance. The recorder was accidently set to record in mono. Unfortunately, the audience is very chatty.
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Date Circulated
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Created At
Sat Sep 21 2013 12:46:28 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sat May 10 2014 16:08:05 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
samanthacrain2012-02-22.ecm719.flac16.ffp (download)
samanthacrain2012-02-22t01.flac:3a09654c7c53202b8b3ecc78a265248c samanthacrain2012-02-22t02.flac:289bb0dc386c8f64712b0a9ec27b8d19 samanthacrain2012-02-22t03.flac:ba71a2fdceb6a8d43acdd09cc67ac2a4 samanthacrain2012-02-22t04.flac:d2dd5412ce09e59ee06819a06ff3bf3d samanthacrain2012-02-22t05.flac:2252edcf1aefe6ebd43a5a3b6ab5d75a samanthacrain2012-02-22t06.flac:49b44b148c57d12c61090ecf61855e82
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