Boulder Theater, Boulder, CO

Summary (download all files)
Source: FM (E-Town Broadcast) > Edirol r-09 16/44 > Sony rcd w500c > Sabrent 2.0 > Dell Inspiron 1501 Notebook > CD

Lineage: CD > EAC > .wav > Cool Edit Pro > CDWave > Flac 16

Recorded by Royboy

Textdoc (download)
Tedeschi Trucks Band
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Boulder Theater, Boulder

Source: FM (E-Town Broadcast) > Edirol r-09 16/44 > Sony rcd w500c > Sabrent 2.0 > Dell Inspiron 1501 Notebook > CD
Lineage: CD > EAC > .wav > Cool Edit Pro > CDWave > Flac 16
Recorded by Royboy
Transferred on November 13, 2011
Tagging: Flacs tagged with Foobar2000 Live Show Tagger and Cover / Photo added to Tags with MP3 Tag v2.49

01 - Introduction
02 - Don't Let Me Slide
03 - Interview with Nick Forster
04 - Shelter
05 - Band Introductions
06 - Love Has Something Else To Say
07 - Band Introductions
08 - Sing A Simple Song +

+ with Joseph Arthur - guitar, vocals; Nick Forster - guitar, vocals; Helen Forster - vocals

-Susan Tedeschi - guitar, vocals
-Derek Trucks - guitar
-Oteil Burbridge - bass, vocals
-Kofi Burbridge - keyboards, flute
-Tyler Greenwell - drums
-J.J. Johnson - drums
-Mike Mattison - vocals, guitar
-Mark Rivers - vocals
-Kebbi Williams - tenor saxophone
-Maurice Brown - trumpet
-Saunders Sermons - trombone

-- E-Town Taping
-- The advertisements / promotions / random dj chatter was edited out
-- Joseph Arthur also played
-- TTB played first, then Joseph Arthur played, then TTB closed the show
-- Sing A Simple Song is a very truncated version from what was played live.  It has DJ chatter toward the end


Editing Notes:
-- Fades added at beginning and end of set with Cool Edit Pro.
-- Tracking done in CDWave.
-- EAC was performed with offsets corrected in secure mode.
-- All tracks were 100% error free when extracted with EAC.

Shntool Output
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     6:02.28       63922700 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.6390  ttb2011-08-14-fm-02_Dont_Let_Me_Slide.flac
     6:08.51       65035196 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.5364  ttb2011-08-14-fm-03_Interview.flac
     4:21.74       46214492 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.5926  ttb2011-08-14-fm-04_Shelter.flac
     0:26.21        4635836 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.6570  ttb2011-08-14-fm-05_Band_Intros.flac
     6:17.38       66592220 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.6641  ttb2011-08-14-fm-06_Love_Has_Something.flac
     1:27.13       15377420 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.6600  ttb2011-08-14-fm-07_Band_Intros.flac
     2:59.12       31603868 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.6357  ttb2011-08-14-fm-08_Simple_Song.flac
    29:35.14      313143280 B                            0.6121  (8 files)
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
298.64 MB(313143280 bytes)
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Sat Feb 09 2013 07:11:02 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Mar 05 2013 12:36:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Checksums (download)
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