SHNID 123478 Garcia 1975-04-12
Masonic Temple, Scranton, PA

Summary (download all files)
LOM; flac1644; early show (partial); sbd composite of shnid-118788, shnid-118754 and shnid-117832, by Rob Darst.

Textdoc (download)
Legion of Mary
Early Show (partial)
Masonic Temple
Scranton, PA

Jerry Garcia - guitar, vocals
Merl Saunders - keyboards, vocals
John Kahn - bass
Martin Fierro - saxophone, flute
Ron Tutt - drums

This is a composite of three previously circulated SBD sources, each of which contains material that the others lack. As of January 2013, this is all of the SBD that circulates for this show.

Source 1: shnid 118788, Soundboard>Reel>DAT>CDR>CDWave>Flac, seeded by miogi

Source 2: shnid 117832, Fresh transfer of Archived SBD DAT from Thrak
Mastering by Jamie Waddell
TDK DAT > Tascam DA20 > Lynx2 > Wavelab7
WeissSaracon for 16bit 44.1kHz FLAC8 SBE Free

Source 3: shnid 118574, sbd>?>cassette, seeded by arfarf, unknown gen, Maxell XLII-90, Lot# I1990411
Transfer: Trade cassette>Harmon Kardon TD 302, Dolby off, Heads aligned to tape side>Zoom H2 @16/44.1>SDHC card>PC>tracked & edited with wavepad>flac level 8 & checksums with traderslittlehelper

Early show

[missing] Every Word You Say
[missing] That's What Love Will Make You Do
[missing] Wicked Messenger
[missing] Tore Up Over You
01. Tough Mama (118788 patched with 117832 at 0:49-0:52)
02. Wondering Why (118788)
03. I'll Take A Melody (118788)
04. Talkin' 'Bout You (118574)


(1) The additional lineage in this combination is FLAC > WAV > editing in WaveLab Elements 7 > WAV > FLAC 8 & SBE removal (TLH). I corrected the DC offset in 118788 and adjusted the volume of the patch in Tough Mama; otherwise, no changes were applied to the original sources.

(2) Sources 118788 and 117832 are clearly sourced from the same recording, but they are not identical: in 117832, Tough Mama cuts before the end, but this source includes the bit missing near the beginning of the tune in 118788--just like two halves of a pirates' treasure map.

(3) The third source, 118574, is very different. It might have been taped from an FM broadcast, but there is no documentation of this.

(4) There is a very brief tape glitch in Talkin' 'Bout You at 6:11. No other source for this tune is in circulation.

(5) Many thanks to everyone who transferred, archived, cleaned up, and shared these three sources. We may not have everything from this show, but without you, we would have nothing!

Rob Darst, January 2013

118788 NOTES:

Legion of Mary
Masonic Temple
Scranton, PA


editing: miogi
flac>>tlh>>wav>>wavmerge>>audacity(snaps,crackles,pops)>>cdwav>>tlh>>flac level 8>>flac

Early Show - Partial Set

01. ...tuning...              [00:34.36]
02. Tough Mama                [08:34.09]
03. Wondering Why             [16:17.41]
04. I'll Take A Melody        [09:48.52]

                        total [35:14.63]

Another Gem from Pete's House.  Sound on this one is excellent.



118574 NOTES:

Legion of Mary
April 12, 1975
Masonic Temple,
Scranton, PA

Early Show, partial

Lineage: sbd>?>cassette, unknown gen, Maxell XLII-90, Lot# I1990411
Transfer: Trade cassette>Harmon Kardon TD 302, Dolby off,
Heads aligned to tape side>Zoom H2 @16/44.1>SDHC card>PC>
tracked & edited with wavepad>flac level 8 & checksums with traderslittlehelper

Transfer by arfarf, January 31, 2012


--MISSING--Every Word You Say
--MISSING--That's What Love Will Make You Do
--MISSING--Wicked Messenger
--MISSING--Tore Up Over You
01 Tough Mama
02 Wonderin' Why
03 I'll Take A Melody
04 Talking 'Bout You

Legion Of Mary:
Jerry Garcia
Merl Saunders
John Kahn
Martin Fierro
Ron Tutt

Notes:  I received this recording as "filler" on the third tape of GD1976-08-04.
On the tape, any between songs tuning or banter has been tightly edited out.
Other than Tough Mama, which appears on shnid.117832, I can't find
any of the early show in digital circulation.
So, here it is, as it is, in hopes that an upgraded and or more
complete copy surfaces in the near future.

117832 NOTES:

Legion of Mary
Masonic Temple, Scranton, PA
04/12/1975 (late show)

Fresh transfer of Archived SBD DAT from Thrak
Mastering by Jamie Waddell
TDK DAT > Tascam DA20 > Lynx2 > Wavelab7
WeissSaracon for 16bit 44.1kHz FLAC8 SBE Free

01   Let It Rock
02   Lala
03   Boogie On Reggae Woman
04   Mississippi Moon
05   Going Going Gone
06   Mystery Train
07   E- Tough Mama (ROB: This is from the early show, sourced from the same recording as 118788)

Lineage Unknown, some imperfections and dropouts remain
but this seems different than the other sources.
I hope listeners sort out the extra song,
which sounds to my ears to be the band coming back for an encore,
but I could be wrong.   Happy Holidays 2011.


Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Thu Jan 17 2013 15:12:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sat Jan 19 2013 08:47:30 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

jg1975-04-12.lom.early.psbd.composite.ffp (download)

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