SHNID 122991 Gov't Mule 1998-05-13
Rosebud, Pittsburgh, PA

Summary (download all files)
flac16; Unknown Audience Recording > unknown recorder

Transfer: CD Wav(Plextor/PX-W1210A)>Flac Frontend(level8)

Unknown taper

Seeded by BluesOxator (I`m not the taper)

Textdoc (download)
1998 - 05 - 13
Pittsburgh, PA

Warren Haynes - guitar & vocals
Matt Abts - drums
Allen Woody - bass

Guest on the show :
Derek Trucks

Taper : Unknown (Thanx :-)
Source: Audience Recording >
Transfer: CD Wav(Plextor/PX-W1210A)>Flac Frontend(level8)
Seeded by BluesOxator (I`m not the taper)

From The German Mule-Junkies

"One Kickin`Ass !" Mule Project
**For the Fans......By the Fans**

CD - 1 -
01. Pygmy Twylyte >
Blind Man In The
Dark >
02. Mother Earth
03. Thorazine Shuffle
04. Thelonius Beck
05. Painted Silver Light
06. No Need To Suffer >
07. Birth Of The Mule

CD - 2 -
01. Bass intro > She Said,
She Said >
02. Cortez The Killer +>
03. Kind Of Bird
04. Left Coast Groovies >
Drums > Left Coast
Groovies >
05. Mule

CD - 3 -
01. She's Nineteen Years
Old *
02. It Hurts Me Too *>
03. I Can't Hold Out *

Setlist Notes:
* Derek Trucks on
+ 1st time played
Media Size
1.2 GB(1286930176 bytes)
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Thu Nov 29 2012 23:31:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Nov 29 2012 23:31:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

flac.ffp (download)
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