SHNID 12267 John Popper 1991-05-23
Wetlands Preserve, New York, NY

Summary (download all files)
Master: SBD>D6

by David Landsberger

Conversion: Cass(M)>Onkyo TA-6711>D8; DA-20>U2A>SoundEdit 16>WAV>shntool>shnv3

by Dave Mallick []

Textdoc (download)
John Popper solo acoustic
May 23rd, 1991
Wetlands Preserve, New York, NY

Master creation: 
by David Landsberger

SHNs were made: 
Cass(M)>Onkyo TA-6711>D8; DA-20>U2A>SoundEdit 16>WAV>shntool>SHNv3 [no DAE] 
by Dave Mallick [] 

CD 1 [64:58.72] (minutes:seconds.frames) 
01. Princeton Eyes        [03:32.43] 
02. Change*               [08:24.71] 
03. Can't Get A Light     [05:02.56] 
04. Just Wait             [05:35.69] 
05. Love Of My Life**     [05:28.12] 
06. Home Is Where You Are [02:51.01] 
07. Ain't That Life       [07:25.29]  
08. To And Fro*           [05:04.72] 
09. Whoops#               [13:13.34] 
10. Tuning/story          [03:14.35] 
11. With You              [05:05.25] 

CD 1 [63:06.19] (minutes:seconds.frames) 
01. Walter/John comments  [03:32.43] 
02. Dream On*             [06:17.12] 
03. 100 Years*            [06:35.30] 
04. Go Outside & Drive    [06:49.64] 
05. My Only Regret        [06:04.31] 
06. Sweet Pain            [08:05.40] 
07. Far Away*             [06:00.58]  
08. Escaping              [05:29.44] 
09. Alone                 [08:16.05] 
10. Sarah>*               [04:03.41] 
11. Dinah*                [02:01.07]

* with Arnie Lawrence on saxophone
** with Roger Fox on flute
# with Arnie Lawrence on saxophone and Dave Thomas on congas

- "To And Fro" is an early version of "Most Precarious".
- d1t09 may have Roger Fox on it (he's called to the stage) but
I can't hear him playing.
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Tue Jan 04 2005 17:00:40 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Jan 25 2007 15:04:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

d1 (download)
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d2 (download)
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