SHNID 12253 Garcia 1983-12-04
Gymnasium (SUNY), Stony Brook, NY

Summary (download all files)
Jerry Garcia Band: MAC (Sennheiser MD-421 mics > D-5 > D-5 [patch] > Nakamichi DR-3 (playback) > Sony Super Bit Mapping > EGOSYS 2496 (soundcard) > SF 4.5 > CD Wave > MKWACT (original .shn set) > sector boundary error fix using .shntool > re-.shn (seekable). Taped, transferred, and originally .shn'd by Dean, fixed and re-.shn'd by Chris L.

Textdoc (download)
Jerry Garcia Band - Dec. 4, 1983
State Univ. of New York (SUNY)
SUNY Stony Brook Gym, Stony Brook NY

CD 1 Set 1
1.  I'll Take A Melody
2.  The Way You Do The Things You Do
3.  Knockin' On Heaven's Door
  *see notes*
Set 2 (beginning of song missing see notes)
4.  Mission In The Rain

CD 2 Set 2 continued
1.  Rhapsody In Red
2.  Don't Let Go >
3.  Deal >
4.  Tangled Up In Blue

Master Cassette Source:
Sennheiser MD-421 mics > D-5 > D-5 (patch)
Transfer Source:
Nakamichi DR-3 (playback) > Sony Super Bit Mapping >
EGOSYS 2496 (soundcard) >SF 4.5 > CD Wave > MKWACT
Taped and transferred by Dean -

Missing the last 2 songs from the first set & the beginning of the 1st song
from the second set due to security which you can hear at the 11:00 min
mark begin the 'shutdown' with a big "YO"..

Beginning of Deal there is a barely audible splice (new tape)

There is a rumble at the beginning of Don't Let Go and during the middle of
the song as people bump into the stand, one of whom looks into the stand
and says "I want to be on your recording."  It was a tough nite to tape!

*Missing songs from end of first set
Run For The Roses*
Cats Under The Stars*
additional notes:

There are sector boundary errors on d1t03, d1t04, and d2t04.  I fixed these using SHNTOOL.  No changes were made to d1t01 or d1t02, however, because the original SHN's were not seekable, the md5s differ from the original version i am hosting (these shn's are seekable).
Chris L.
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon Sep 30 2002 20:55:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Sep 30 2002 20:55:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

shn (download)
e8db48a4f8ece0eecd609656985d2c77 *jgb1983-12-04d1t04.shn
41b0124c720c76af3130f53897137c02 *jgb1983-12-04d1t02.shn
1eb5e8d42051207a40e8120ce55f759f *jgb1983-12-04d1t01.shn
638d589e89fbf18233e77585f58386d1 *jgb1983-12-04d1t03.shn
117937a46d1dada9ef7dcd909f647545 *jgb1983-12-04d2t01.shn
ed921137375fa0a604d33c34dd5aa6ff *jgb1983-12-04d2t03.shn
d7b12fb51fdabc8165498a5c15150c55 *jgb1983-12-04d2t02.shn
8d899cb7890d794ab09b1e1164d948a2 *jgb1983-12-04d2t04.shn
wav (download)
d4fb0eb4e5d9b33f38d2cefa90078720 *jgb1983-12-04d1t04.wav
cbfa5f3527239a54a8cc6b726816761e *jgb1983-12-04d2t01.wav
dd7908efbd41e3ab97e27fd67d89b08b *jgb1983-12-04d2t02.wav
743f6c78adf854937ddae901ad5d982a *jgb1983-12-04d2t03.wav
bbde3e136bcaf0d5394d4ef09433c866 *jgb1983-12-04d2t04.wav
20703c3d99d06161db9c53b353c33c74 *jgb1983-12-04d1t02.wav
28c67cf9d8e83192e6e869656c06b802 *jgb1983-12-04d1t01.wav
83df812d3bc838c66e8eeaaa5869b386 *jgb1983-12-04d1t03.wav

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