SHNID 121780 Phish 1998-07-31
Polaris Amphitheatre, Columbus, OH

Summary (download all files)
flac16; AKG 460b/ck61 > b18 > Sony SBM-1 > Sony TCD-D8; Sony PCM-R500 > Marantz PMD-661 > audiogate (16/44.1) > cd wave > tlh(flac16); Taped by JK; Transferred by John M.

Textdoc (download)
polaris amphitheatre
columbus, oh

Set 1:
01- My Friend, My Friend[1]* >
02- Ya Mar
03- Roggae
04- Rift
05- Cities
06- Water in the Sky
07- Stash

Set 2:
01- The Curtain >
02- Free >
03- If I Could >
04- The Man Who Stepped Into Yesterday > Avenu Malkenu
05- Twist >
06- Izabella
07- Julius >
08- Cavern

09- Punch You In the Eye >
10- Slave to the Traffic Light

[1] Guyute tease. *levels messed up, distorted at times, due to -10db pad not active on sbm1; fixed at 2:42.

Notes: My Friend included a Guyute tease in the intro. If I Could was played for the first time since August 5, 1996 (150 shows).

setlist info courtesy of (edited)

source: akg460b/ck61>b18>sbm1>d8 ots by JK
transfer: DATmaster/sony pcm-r500>marantz pmd661>audiogate(16/44)>cdwave>tlh(flac16) by john m 2012-08-16

Media Size
785.44 MB(823594882 bytes)
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Thu Aug 30 2012 22:02:29 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Aug 30 2012 22:05:35 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

FFP (download)
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ph1998-07-31 akg461s1t05.flac:31bbb96c6df9348f4ae05fd00dd8802f
ph1998-07-31 akg461s1t06.flac:85dcc2d83967498316e3c6dbc161ad55
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