SHNID 121216 Gov't Mule 2012-07-10
Metropool, Hengelo, The Netherlands

Summary (download all files)
flac16; joe meek jm27 [matched pair] > [busman 2p+] edirol ua-5 [16 bit/ 44.1 kHz] > optical-in iriver120 [rockboxed] >
.wav > usb2 > audacity [amp +3 db - fades] > .wav > cdwave [tracked and converted] > .flac

Taper: Ulrich Rettinger [africolaman AT gmx DOT de]

Assistant to the Taper: Rainer Neuburger [raimax]

Textdoc (download)
Gov't Mule
European Summer Tour
Hengelo, The Netherlands
10.07.2012 [2012-07-10]

A Mad Piper & Africolaman [also mad] & Raimax Production

joe meek jm27 [matched pair] > [busman 2p+] edirol ua-5 [16 bit/ 44.1 kHz] > optical-in iriver120 [rockboxed] >
.wav > usb2 > audacity [amp +3 db - fades] > .wav > cdwave [tracked and converted] > .flac
mic-position ab, kfc, vfb, behind light-board, dfc 35 ft from stage
15 ft high [on lower balcony - mics fixed to stand]
Taper: Ulrich Rettinger [africolaman AT gmx DOT de]
Assistant to the Taper: Rainer Neuburger [raimax]

Disc 1 [1:20:36] 1)
Set 1
01 Audience >
02 Hammer & Nails
03 Thelonious Beck
04 Banks of the deep End
05 Thorazine Shuffle
06 Fallen Down >
07 The Other One Jam >
09 Wandering Child
09 Monday Mourning Meltdown
10 Kind of Bird > Outro 1st Set > Audience

Disc 2 [1:02:28]
Set 2
01 Audience
02 War Pigs > Warren Banter
03 Larger than Life
04 Mr. Big
05 Have Mercy on the Criminal
06 Forevermore >
07 Keys & Bass & Drums > Bass & Drums > Drums >
08 Any open Window
09 Brand new Angel > Farewell > Audience Encore Call

Disc 3 [0:18:52]
01 I can't quit you Baby
02 How many more Years > Higher Ground > How many more Years > Final Farewell > Audience

Discs 2 and 3 are seamless.
1) To burn set 1 to CD skip track 1.

Warren Haynes [guitar, vocals]
Matt Abts [drums]
Jorgen Carlsson [bass]
Danny Louis [keys, trumpet]

Taped with permission of the band.
Share freely and the sun will always shine on you. Definitely never sell.
Support the performers. See their shows and buy their official recordings.

Media Size
916.48 MB(960996601 bytes)
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Thu Jul 12 2012 22:14:37 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Jul 12 2012 22:15:13 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

flac.md5 (download)
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