Hunter Mountain, Hunter, NY

Summary (download all files)
Neumann TLM-170 (hypercardoids, just left of SBD, front right corner of OTS) -> Sound Devices 722 (@24/96); FLAC File processing in SoundForge 10.0d (volume normalization; resample to 44.1 with iZotope 64-Bit SRC set higher than "Highest Quality" setting w/anti-alias filter; 24->16 bit dither using iZotope MBIT+ Dither with Ultra noise shaping, High dither settings); Tracked in CDWav. IDv3 tagged in AudioShell 1.3.5.

Textdoc (download)
Ben Folds Five
East Stage
Mountain Jam 8
Hunter Mountain, NY

Neumann TLM-170 (hypercardoids, just left of SBD, front right corner of OTS) -> Sound Devices 722 (@24/96); FLAC File processing in SoundForge 10.0d (volume normalization; resample to 44.1 with iZotope 64-Bit SRC set higher than "Highest Quality" setting w/anti-alias filter; 24->16 bit dither using iZotope MBIT+ Dither with Ultra noise shaping, High dither settings); Tracked in CDWav.  IDv3 tagged in AudioShell 1.3.5.

1.  crowd
2.  Jackson Cannery
3.  Theme From Dr. Pyser
4.  Fair
5.  banter - first official gig in 13 years
6.  Selfless, Cold and Composed
7.  Uncle Walter
8.  banter - new album
9.  Where's Summer B.?
10. Mess
11. banter - soundproofing
12. Battle of Who Could Care Less
13. banter - people behind the fence
14. Brick
15. banter - broken piano string / request
16. Emaline
17. Army
18. Kate
19. Alice Childress
20. banter - story behind "...Dumped"
21. Song For the Dumped
22. Narcolepsy
23. improv tune
24. Underground
25. One Angry Dwarf and 200 Solemn Faces
26. cheering/announcements

Recorded, mastered, tracked and posted by Scott Bernstein (6/14-15/2012)
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Sat Jun 16 2012 08:09:23 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sat Jun 23 2012 07:56:03 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

md5 (download)
583b1e66eb42f365be5b162dfc67c1b7 *benfoldsfive2012-06-02t01.flac
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a9420a821c0153c42ece79247d41ff96 *benfoldsfive2012-06-02t26.flac

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