SHNID 118854 Gov't Mule 1996-11-04
Strand Theatre, Providence, RI

Summary (download all files)
flac16; SDB + Microphones* > DAT

Lineage: Panasonic SV-38000 > s/pdif (coax) >
HHb CDR-850 > CD-R > EAC (secure) > Cool Edit Pro (clipping restoration on track 4) >

Trader's Little Helper > FLAC
Recorded by Brodie.

DAT > CD-R and CD-R > FLAC transfers by Paul deLima.

Textdoc (download)
Gov't Mule
November 4, 1996
The Strand Theater
Providence, RI

SDB + Microphones* > DAT
Panasonic SV-38000 > s/pdif (coax) > HHb CDR-850 > CD-R > EAC (secure) > Cool Edit Pro (clipping restoration on track 4) > Trader's Little Helper > FLAC

Notes Part 1:
*The DAT clone I received shortly after this show was marked SBD > DAT. However, as the recording sounds like a matrix (SBD plus mics) I have labeled it as such. I do not know the type of microphones used in the recording, or their location in the venue. I imagine the mics were set up at the SBD and blended "on the fly" with the SBD feed before being fed into a DAT deck.   

Notes Part 2:
A second generation DAT clone was used in the DAT > CD-R transfer.
The CD-R used in the FLAC transfer was burned directly from the second generation DAT.
Recorded by Brodie.
DAT > CD-R and CD-R > FLAC transfers by Paul deLima.

1. Intro > Mule
2. Game Face
3. Birth Of The Mule
4. Born Under A Bad Sign**
5. Young Man Blues

**With Marc Ford (guitar) & Eddie Harsch (keyboards)

(Gov't Mule opened for The Black Crowes.)

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Sun Feb 12 2012 12:12:37 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sun Feb 12 2012 12:13:30 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

flac.ffp (download)
flac.md5 (download)
5d02c401319b00555f180d82ae84b702 *gm1996-11-04-EAC-t.01.wav
a4864d486480dddbcf973ab85106fbcb *gm1996-11-04-EAC-t.02.wav
4d380d43619b3a00fea4ca9da3d5bcf5 *gm1996-11-04-EAC-t.03.wav
76856db32bcd6fe5d0d98911cb225d8b *gm1996-11-04-EAC-t.04.wav
9bbde574f78c557e2fcb633ba4d6449c *gm1996-11-04-EAC-t.05.wav

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