Beacon Theatre, New York, NY

Summary (download all files)
Microtech Gelfell m210>oade m248>sbm-1>d8 @48k. Transfer: 48k DAT clone> Sony PCM-R300 > RMEdigi96/8PAD > SoundForge 6.0 (rec,edits,48>44 with anti alias filter) >
CDWav (splits)> mkw > shn (seekable) by Marc Pujol

Textdoc (download)
Phil Lesh & Friends
October 10, 2000
Beacon Theater
New York, NY

Source: Microtech Gelfell m210>oade m248>sbm-1>d8 @48k

Transfer: 48k DAT clone> Sony PCM-R300 > RMEdigi96/8PAD
> SoundForge 6.0 (rec,edits,48>44 with anti alias filter) >
CDWav (splits)> mkw > shn (seekable)

SHNtool used verify track boundaries prior to wav>shn
Transfer and edits by Marc Pujol 8/25/2002
Source DAT from Dave Minor via Matt Vernon

CD 1   total [73:52.63]
Set 1
01. [07:01.49] Jam >
02. [14:02.63] Dear Mr. Fantasy >
03. [08:34.14] Cryptical > Jam >
04. [09:42.18] Soulshine
05. [09:37.69] Mississippi Half-Step > Jam >
06. [09:57.36] Eyes of the World >
07. [10:43.31] The Eleven >
08. [04:13.08] Golden Road >

CD 2   total [69:23.30]
Set 2
01. [00:40.62] Crowd >
02. [27:31.21] Viola Lee Blues > Jam > Viola Lee >
03. [07:45.40] Alabama Getaway
04. [09:43.11] GDTRFB >
05. [12:30.63] The Wheel >
05. [11:11.58] Dark Star

CD3   total [37:59.72]
Set 2 cont.
01. [10:15.06] Mountains of the Moon >
02. [06:00.36] Revolution
03. [09:43.51] Midnight Hour
04. [02:48.54] Donar Rap / Band Intros
05. [09:12.00] E: Blue Sky

Phil's Friends:
John Molo(d), Warren Haynes (g/v), Jimmy Herring (g), Rob Barraco (k/v)

Flaws: d3t04 Donar Rap: The master DAT tape had been paused and then restarted right when Phil came out to speak. There is a spot where you can hear the difference in crowd noise right before Phil begins to speak and there is a tiny thud.

editing notes:
There were some loud clappers very near the rig and they clapped a lot at the beginings and ends of songs. I softened the worst of the claps by manually editing the wave file and attenuation the spikes in the claps. Approx 100 different claps throughout were edited. While many loud claps still remain, I softened the worst and most offensive of them. (Getting them all would have taken days.) The original recording was really good. It sounded very full on it's own so I decided against normalizing or any other post processing other then editing the claps. Marc Pujol 8/31/2002
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon Sep 02 2002 02:53:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Nov 22 2016 15:28:25 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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