SHNID 116839 Dave Matthews Band 1993-01-19
Trax, Charlottesville, VA
Summary (download all files)
Taper: Unknown
Source: Unknown
Conversion: Tom Gambichler - DAT > Tascam DA-20 > M-Audio Microtrack II > PC > Sound Forge 8.0, resampled to 16/44kHz, Normalize to -0.01db > CD Wav Editor for track splitting > Foobar 2000 for tagging
Source: Unknown
Conversion: Tom Gambichler - DAT > Tascam DA-20 > M-Audio Microtrack II > PC > Sound Forge 8.0, resampled to 16/44kHz, Normalize to -0.01db > CD Wav Editor for track splitting > Foobar 2000 for tagging
Textdoc (download)
Dave Matthews Band January 19, 1993 Trax Nightclub Charlottesville, VA Conversion: Tom Gambichler - DAT > Tascam DA-20 > M-Audio Microtrack II > PC > Sound Forge 8.0, resampled to 16/44kHz, Normalize to -0.01db > CD Wav Editor for track splitting > Foobar 2000 for tagging Set I (partial): [Rhyme & Reason] [Seek Up] [Ants Marching] [Granny] [One Sweet World] 01. Satellite 02. Dancing Nancies 03. Best Of What's Around 04. True Reflections ** 05. Boyd welcomes back Dave 06. Pay For What You Get (cut) [Lie In Our Graves] [So Much To Say] [Tripping Billies] [Two Step] ** starts and stops 3 times before the song begins. This was on the DAT and from the mulitrack master. The existing sbd source actually has a 7 second dropout at 00:18 of the beginning of this track A to D Conversion: Cassette Playback on Nakamichi CR 7->Lucid AD9624->Fostex D5 DAT@48kHz. AES/EBU out of AD into Fostex D5. Cassette that John Alagia gave me on 1/20/93. We played a little bit of this in his car between sets and when we got out of the car he gave it to me.He made this from his ADAT masters onto Nakamichi Cassette deck. The cassette is labeled with the date of the show and says"NAK". I do not know which model NAK deck he used. This was the first show back after NYE '92 and is really hot. I'd love to have the whole thing. Made from Muli-track ADATs. Thanks to Mark for giving me this DAT to convert and circulate Compiled by Tom Gambichler on October 4, 2011
Media Size
176.55 MB(185128652 bytes)
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon Oct 31 2011 13:26:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Oct 31 2011 13:26:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
flac.ffp (download)
dmb1993-01-19t01.flac:1e3961cc160d0f41081f759adeb4ec3e dmb1993-01-19t02.flac:a0a06cf188f10f8d111a1d9df2c3ca7e dmb1993-01-19t03.flac:f2204a9abd74cd963dd240035ad37d7e dmb1993-01-19t04.flac:874d1a715095eecedf85f09226cd16f1 dmb1993-01-19t05.flac:6d0ca8258472163b52f1a71de2785eda dmb1993-01-19t06.flac:124bc09f087cf263843c5ee3822fd802
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