Roseland Ballroom, New York, NY

Summary (download all files)
Master: Unknown AUD mics (probably stealth)>DAT

Clone provided by Candace Horgan, taper unknown

Conversion: DA-20>U2A>SoundEdit 16>shntool>shnv3 (no DAE)

by Dave Mallick []

Textdoc (download)
Blues Traveler 
October 31st, 1991
Roseland Ballroom, New York, NY

Master creation: 
Unknown AUD mics (probably stealth)>DAT
Taper unknown; clone provided by Candace Horgan

SHNs were made: 
DA-20>Egosys Waveterminal U2A>shntool>WAV>SHNv3 [no DAE] 
by Dave Mallick [] 

CD 1 [66:01.31] (minutes:seconds.frames) 
01. The Tiding>Onslaught [10:10.28] 
02. Dropping Some NYC>   [02:46.40] 
03. As We Wonder         [05:46.46] 
04. Mulling It Over      [07:50.27] 
05. Black Cat Jam>       [08:54.53] 
06. Sweet Talking Hippie [16:28.43] 
07. Ivory Tusk           [07:19.44] 
08. What's For Breakfast [06:44.50]

CD 2 [73:45.72] 
01. 100 Years            [05:13.61] 
02. Sweet Pain           [10:27.50] 
03. Alone>               [15:15.73]
04. Optimistic Thought   [06:46.22] 
05. Crystal Flame        [13:26.38] 
06. Mountain Cry         [15:45.20] 
07. E: But Anyway        [06:50.33] 

- Considerable crowd noise; it sounds like the recording was
made from the crowd rather than at the board.
- Entire show dedicated to Bill Graham, who had died in a
helicopter accident earlier that week.
- Dropout at the beginning of Crystal Flame from 0:30 to 1:30.
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon Nov 04 2002 13:14:58 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Jan 25 2007 15:15:37 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

d1 (download)
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d2 (download)
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