Edmundson Pavilion, University Of Washington, Seattle, WA

Summary (download all files)
flac16; Updated source: Audience recording by Don Amick; Transcription Pathway: Maxell XLII-90 cassettes (unknown generation) ? Nakamichi DRAGON (no Dolby, EQ 120 µsec) ? ADC Sound Shaper Two Mk II stereo frequency equalizer ? Edirol UA-5 T-MOD PLUS (custom-modified by the Oade Brothers) (driven by MME, in advanced mode; set to Red Book Standard for LPCM streaming) ? USB 2.0 ? Audacity 1.2.6 (set to 32-bit float/44.1kHz resolution for recording LPCM stream; set to Red Book Standard and, with snap-to on, to cdda min:sec:frames 75 fps for cutting tracks on sector boundaries and exporting them as .wav’s); Transcribed by George M. Prescott Jr. on October 14, 2010

Textdoc (download)
Grateful Dead
Clarence S. Hec Edmundson Pavilion
University of Washington
Seattle, WA

Updated Source Info: Audience recording by Don Amick

(Had been marked: Unknown audience recording (not recorded by Pat Lee))

Transcription Pathway:

Maxell XLII-90 cassettes (unknown generation) ? Nakamichi DRAGON (no Dolby, EQ 120 sec) ? ADC Sound Shaper Two Mk II stereo frequency equalizer ?   Edirol UA-5 T-MOD PLUS (custom-modified by the Oade Brothers) (driven by MME, in advanced mode; set to Red Book Standard for LPCM streaming) ? USB 2.0 ? Audacity 1.2.6 (set to 32-bit float/44.1kHz resolution for recording LPCM stream; set to Red Book Standard and, with snap-to on, to cdda min:sec:frames 75 fps for cutting tracks on sector boundaries and exporting them as .wavs)

Transcribed by George M. Prescott Jr. on October 14, 2010

Set I

Disc One

01 Me and My Uncle                03:04	   03:04
02 Brown-Eyed Women               04:55	   08:00
03 Beat It On Down the Line       03:24	   11:24
04 Deal				  04:46	   16:11
05 Mexicali Blues		  03:29	   19:40
06 It Must Have Been the Roses	  05:28	   25:08
07 The Race Is On		  03:00	   28:08
08 Scarlet Begonias		  05:29	   33:38
09 El Paso			  04:16	   37:54
10 Row Jimmy			  08:44	   46:39
11 Money Money			  04:40	   51:19	
12 Ship of Fools		  06:12	   57:31
13 Weather Report Suite ?	  17:43	   75:14
14 China Doll			  05:34	   80:50*

Set II

Disc Two

01 Playin in the Band 		  47:01	   47:01		
02 U.S. Blues			  05:42	   52:43
03 Big River			  04:59	   57:42
04 Stella Blue			  08:32	   68:14	
Around and Around (missing)

Disc Three

05 Eyes of the World ?		  14:14	   14:14
06 Wharf Rat ?			  10:01	   24:15
07 Sugar Magnolia		  10:05	   34:20


08 Johnny B. Goode ?		  03:50	   38:10

*Can be overburned with EAC on a 700MB/80-min. CD-R following capacity test.

Technical Notes:

The dub was recorded on Nakamichi MR-2s by the person who provided the source cassettes.  Unfortunately, the recording levels are less than optimal:  the left channel averages at -5 dB, while the right channel averages at 0 dB.  This imbalance could not be compensatorily corrected, as the Edirols input-level control is unitary across both channels for unbalanced analog inputs, precluding individuated left-channel and right-channel gain adjustments.   Still, the amplitude differential is slight, and creates no phase problems.  The underrecording yielded prominent tape hiss; this was greatly reduced by using an analog EQ with a sharp roll-off at 9kHz and no output at 16kHz.  Careful comparative listening revealed no phase-shift or artifacts due to EQ.  

The binaural source has real presence; both the Wall and the hall ring true.     This recording features fuller vocals, deeper bass response, and less reverb than does the circulating stereo audience recording made by Pat Lee (which is excellent).  This recording is free from the constant crowd chatter that mars that recording; those songs on that master that are missing their opening notes are intact here.  (The occasional handclapping is mildly distracting; the lusty screams from the crowd are welcome.)  Tonal range and timbral accuracy are quite good; Keith's piano, Billy's cymbals, and Jerry's leads cut through nicely.  Still, at times, the sound here verges on distortion.  

Occasionally, there are instances when it sounds like the taper inadvertently depressed the pause button, causing momentary pitch-slippage.  There are also intermittent crackles and static, several recording-equipment glitches and tape dropouts, and some hotspots.  None of these anomalies lasts very long.  

Two songs, Playin in the Band and Sugar Magnolia,are each missing        three seconds of music due to possible tape-flip gaps.  These gaps were removed (and the remaining ends were spliced); they have not been patched.  

Two songs were pretermitted:  Playin in the Band and Johnny B. Goode.  (This was not due to tape run-out on the dubs; there is blank tape after these songs.)  The final fourteen seconds of Playin have been inartfully tacked on from Charlie Millers masterly transcription of Pat Lees masters, ShnID-98822.  The encore cuts during the final note and was not patched. 

No digital pitch-correction, noise-reduction, or sound-adjustment algorithms were used in this transcription.

Known Flaws (major flaws in boldface):

Disc One

01 Me and My Uncle:  01:19 minor glitch; 01:39 volume ?, tone darkens
03 Beat It On Down the Line:  00:37 minor glitch
04 Deal:  00:42 minor glitch; 02:58-02:59 vocal hotspot
05 Mexicali Blues:  Jerry flubs chord 00:51; 01:50 static
06 It Must Have Been the Roses:  01:30, 01:43, 04:22 vocal hotspots
07 The Race Is On:  Jerry flubs chord 00:13
08 Scarlet Begonias:  01:45, 03:29 minor glitches; 03:43 vocal hotspot
09 El Paso:  01:30 minor glitch; 03:17-03:18 pause w/pitch-slippage;03:44 static
10 Row Jimmy:  Jerry flubs chord 06:34; 03:38 dropout; 
    05:30 vocal hotspot; 07:10 pause w/pitch-slippage;
    07:39 minor glitch ; 08:05-08:06 pause w/music missing;
    08:25-08:44 channel-chop at run-out
11 Money Money:  00:20 volume ?; 01:12, 01:28 minor glitches;
    02:12, 03:07 hotspots; 03:13, 03:44 minor glitches
12 Ship of Fools:  Jerry flubs chord 00:45;00:32, 02:15 vocal hotspots; 
    04:42, 05:40 minor glitches
13 Weather Report Suite:  07:10 minor glitch; 12:11 dropout; 12:55 tone darkens
14 China Doll:  02:28 minor glitch

Disc Two

01 Playin in the Band:  02:49 tone darkens (possible pre-dubbing
    engagement of Dolby B or change in bias or EQ);
    02:52 minor glitch; 10:09, 16:04 static;
    16:55 minor glitch; 19:53-19:55 pitch-slippage;
    21:01 possible tape-flip gap w/music missing;
    28:34-28:37 dropouts; 
    30:54, 30:58 pauses w/pitch-slippage;
    31:12, 31:16 pauses w/pitch-slippage;
    34:26 equipment glitch;
    37:26 pause w/pitch-slippage;
    37:31-37:33 pause w/music missing;
    42:38, 42:57 minor glitches;
    46:11, 46:30 minor glitches;
    46:47-47:01 patched w/ShnID-98822 (Lee/Miller)
02 U.S. Blues:  00:54 minor glitch; 00:57 static; 05:24 minor glitch
04 Stella Blue:  01:12 minor glitch; 02:13 pause w/pitch-slippage

Disc Three

01 Eyes of the World:  Jerry flubs chord 01:16; 07:47 minor glitch;
    12:33-12:34 pitch-slippage; 13:52, 13:57 static
02 Wharf Rat:  03:35 minor glitch; 03:57 equipment glitch;
    04:30 vocal hotspot; 05:15, 07:55-07:58 minor glitches;
    09:40 pitch-slippage
03 Sugar Magnolia:  01:53 possible tape-flip gap w/music missing;
    02:25 minor glitch; 03:05-03:10 pitch-slippage;
    03:32, 05:42, 07:44-07:45 minor glitches;
    08:10 distortion (not from dubbing or transcription)
04 Johnny B. Goode:  00:45-00:50 vocal hotspots; 01:00 static;
    01:20-01:33 vocal hotspots; 02:31 minor glitch;
    03:27, 03:32, 03:36 minor glitches;
    03:50 final note cuts out 

Post-Transcription Tools:

Rounded track timings courtesy of Exact Audio Copy CD Layout Editor V0.99.

Sector boundary errors were detected in Playin in the Band,and were repaired by post-padding with Trader's Little Helper v.

SBE-free .wav verification and .st5 .wav checksums courtesy of TLH.

Lossless FLAC encoding with tags and verification by FLAC frontend v.1.7.1.

FLAC .ffp and .md5 post-encoding checksums courtesy of TLH.

File-integrity check and problem-free verification courtesy of shntool 3.0.4.

Seeded 06/24/2011 gballen
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Sat Jun 25 2011 09:18:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Jul 18 2011 15:51:38 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

ffp (download)
flac-md5 (download)
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