SHNID 112912 Esperanza Spalding 2011-04-04
Maison de la Radio-Studio 105, Paris, France
Textdoc (download)
Esperanza Spalding April 4th 2011 Maison de la Radio, Studio 105, Paris, France FM Setlist ----------- 1- 2- Knowledge of good and evil 3- Chacarera 4- This is the wind 5- Short and sweet 6- What a friend 7- Winter sun 8- 9- As a sprout 10- Apple blossom 11- Broadcast 4th April 2011 (live) on french radio FIP. Analogic tuner > Eye TV > Sound Forge 7 > wav > flac upload by smog31 enjoy !
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Date Circulated
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Created At
Tue Apr 19 2011 22:29:19 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Mar 30 2012 14:23:05 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
ffp (download)
f44d2aa2d3d5fbd1ed954c6fd2fae6ec - 01- Unknown.flac 015dc9cb83065cf29a4833281ebf58e1 - 02- Knowledge of good and evil.flac 01c7b3f8fcb099cf07edeb4161a470ce - 03- Chacarera.flac 5e9811f795c6e379618d3a3b2dd1e708 - 04- This is the wind.flac 513fce0c58eff8f5a516a2a78019fe36 - 05- Short ans sweet.flac 7d97977652c54a100879ff194dd19466 - 06- What a friend.flac 32182a6e7a6b4fce722ca361f44de447 - 07- Winter sun.flac 5152b8a9db9602337f8a83eb187c6fb1 - 08- Unkown.flac 741cb289cd648eaa5b2e058bdf561013 - 09- As a sprout.flac c3c8c398c036ea0b67754cee294317f8 - 10- Apple blossom.flac 4b348f34ae9a26483aad3d616f2e45f6 - 11- Unknown.flac 98472f1cb8216d32dc837e5b1b83397c - Esperanza splading - 2011-04-04 - Maison de la Radio - FM.txt
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