SHNID 112063 Dessa 2011-01-23
The Cedar, Minneapolis, MN
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Zoom H2 rear internal mics >SD Card>PC>Adobe Audition (Raise levels)>CD Wave Editor (split tracks)
Textdoc (download)
Dessa (+Openers) The Cedar Minneapolis, MN 1-23-11 -Audience Recording using Zoom H2 rear internal mics >SD Card>PC>Adobe Audition (Raise levels)>CD Wave Editor (split tracks)>TLH>FLAC Level 8>Dime -Feel free to re-master, share on any other torrent site, or convert to MP3, just never ever sell it. Also, if you like this show, why not support the artist by buying their music? Mankwe Ndosi 1. Intro 2. So Close So Far 3. ? 4. ? Crescent Moon Is In Big Trouble 1. Intro 2. Hunting Season 3. Where The Cutthroats Stay 4. ? 5. ? > Broken Dishes 6. Cemetery Stroll 7. Vermillion Dessa 1. Intro 2. It's Only Me (New Song) 3. Kites 4. Mineshaft II 5. Motown (New Song) (ft. Mankwe Ndosi) 6. Swing (New Song) (Ft. Mankwe Ndosi) 7. Sadie Hawkins 8. The Man I Knew (New Song) 9. Figure 8's (New Song) 10. Dixon's Girl 11. Anabel (Slow Version) (New Song) 12. Instrumental 13. Mandolin in 7/4 (New Song) 14. The Chaconne > Matches To Paper Dolls > Into The Spin 15. Anabel (Fast Version) (New Song)
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Date Circulated
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Created At
Mon Feb 21 2011 20:26:01 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Nov 28 2011 21:06:58 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
d1 (download)
01. Intro.flac:b1f44fdb7c9f524063cf9b5e89931284 02. It's Only Me (New Song).flac:2370180e761b54e7c2c1e782d266856e 03. Kites.flac:e70d8d224471161d88c07ccee658b074 04. Mineshaft II.flac:fb9afd3b35dae419a33b41f05eb57668 05. Motown (New Song) (ft. Mankwe Ndosi).flac:706cad81bb8e3a9bd68be28f3ad38ec3 06. Swing (New Song) (ft. Manke Ndosi).flac:e7e8209f0f71c297d767493268ebf132 07. Sadie Hawkins.flac:946990742cc3f2e8b5e4d95e34f20a93 08. The Man I Knew (New Song).flac:97d86b62594c291eb09474c38b4aa0f2 09. Figure 8's (New Song).flac:b3fd313a08260dc7045e03bf43f65904 10. Dixon's Girl.flac:a1c830ae297d71a116442fe2abcad16a 11. Anabel (Slow Version) (New Song).flac:73c37a9343d26cf026de119ee1d3ac15 12. Instrumental.flac:20cb29f0e07d99ebb9d9b7fa9302973e 13. Mandolin in 7-4 (New Song).flac:8a216a975ecb9c9ba732b2601fc2fa6f 14. The Chaconne - Matches To Paper Dolls - Into The Spin.flac:e659b4fdca7834aad6627d99b51be638 15. Anabel (Fast Version) (New Song).flac:2eadb9b2492a2e076511a1ab125027ea
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