The Cedar, Minneapolis, MN

Summary (download all files)
Zoom H2 rear internal mics >SD Card>PC>Adobe Audition (Raise levels)>CD Wave Editor (split tracks)

Textdoc (download)
Dessa (+Openers)
The Cedar
Minneapolis, MN

-Audience Recording using Zoom H2 rear internal mics >SD Card>PC>Adobe Audition (Raise levels)>CD Wave Editor (split tracks)>TLH>FLAC Level 8>Dime 
-Feel free to re-master, share on any other torrent site, or convert to MP3, just never ever sell it. Also, if you like this show, why not support the artist by buying their music?

Mankwe Ndosi
1. Intro
2. So Close So Far
3. ?
4. ?

Crescent Moon Is In Big Trouble
1. Intro
2. Hunting Season
3. Where The Cutthroats Stay
4. ?
5. ? > Broken Dishes
6. Cemetery Stroll
7. Vermillion

1. Intro
2. It's Only Me (New Song)
3. Kites
4. Mineshaft II
5. Motown (New Song) (ft. Mankwe Ndosi)
6. Swing (New Song) (Ft. Mankwe Ndosi)
7. Sadie Hawkins
8. The Man I Knew (New Song)
9. Figure 8's (New Song)
10. Dixon's Girl
11. Anabel (Slow Version) (New Song)
12. Instrumental
13. Mandolin in 7/4 (New Song)
14. The Chaconne > Matches To Paper Dolls > Into The Spin
15. Anabel (Fast Version) (New Song)
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon Feb 21 2011 20:25:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sun Nov 27 2011 09:18:49 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

d1 (download)
01. Intro.flac:bac4dc09d4e6f145f2257e8bcaf161c8
02. Hunting Season.flac:ce3c23ece4e9b82818118bb7b72e4e4a
03. Where The Cutthroats Stay.flac:a0c0b108d02c3eac599957640918f3a1
04 X.flac:3f0f62f896441ebd5ac6bc9336fc1126
05. X-Broken Dishes.flac:e931f87359137c6b7700115a93f1f4cf
06. Cemetery Stroll.flac:80f037a515603d8cd8ec8d5c81ee6a7c
07. Vermillion.flac:41a00bb0b8fd71c74a0dd223e9ce39a8

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