Paramount Arts Center, Ashland, KY

Summary (download all files)
SBD>ADK??>DAT>CDX?>EAC(secure)>SHN--plus--EQ, CB, voxWH, RT,
made seamless, PD&Norm.

Textdoc (download)
Bruce Hornsby  
3/26/99 - 
Paramount Arts Center, 
Ashland, KY
****a vanillag remaster****

Okay, so let me first thank Sue W for gettiing the discs of this wonderful recording  
to Jeffry Smith, JS for shn'ing them & Phishblowz for the recent upoad of it here 
on etree.  I agree with Phishblowz's notes about what a great show this was(Bruce 
played very loose & warm, with his typical panache & wit) as well as being quite 
a stellar recording.  However, I still felt that it needed two things to make it truly 
shine so I did both & hope that you enjoy the results.  

1 - I felt that as great as the recording sounded, it was really missing some lower end, 
so I EQ'd enough in to give the piano a fuller range & the keyboard fills more warmth.  
I feel that the results did just that.  

2 - Bruce tends to yell into the mic, "THANK YOU" or "THANK YOU VERY MUCH" 
(or both) at the end of all his songs & here it is no exception, peaking out the recording 
levels every time.  I tastefully wavhammered these shouts so that they are still loud 
enough for Bruce to be thankful & ingratiating, but not ear-splittingly loud.  

I also did extensive research to clear up all the little teases & raps & snippets of tunes 
in the setlist to hopefully make it make more sense.  I discovered & uncovered a bunch, but 
also found that there is no "Lonesome Road Blues" either during or after "Sunflower Cat" 
as listed on setlists & on all previous torrents...if someone can tell me where 
it is, I will be happy to admit my error, but I can't find hide nor hair of it. 

HELP!!!!  In conjuction with my research of the setlist, there is a tune that Bruce goes 
into instrumentally around 2:09 into "On the Western Skyline"(d2t07) that is so 
familiar & recognizable to me & is right on the very tip of my brain, but I just can't 
come up with the title.  It is a dixieland era, southern tune, possibly civil war tune that 
I'm almost sure I've heard Garcia cover(maybe with Grisman), not to mention in 
plenty of films.  If anyone can come up with this title, thank you in advance for your 
stellar brain power.  

Hope you all dig it...Great Show!!!!  

Disc 1:  
   Set 1-  
1. intro
2. Night On the Town>
3. Darlin' Corey **
4. China Doll
5. Talk Of the Town @
6. Dixie Lullaby
7. The Road Not Taken #
8. Sunflower Cat
9. How Far Am I From Canaan?
   Set 2-  
10. intro
11. The Way It Is ^^

Disc 2:  
   Set 2(con't)-  
1. The Show Goes On
2. The Longest Night
3. Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys
4. End Of the Innocence %%
5. Black Muddy River
6. Play That Funky Music>
7. On the Western Skyline [][]
8. Defenders Of the Flag>
9. Rainbow's Cadillac ++
10.E: The Entertainer
11.    My Foolish Heart>
12.    That Would Be Something>
13.    King Of the Hill

**=w/ "tangled up in blue" tease & "what a difference a day makes" snippet during banter before next tune
@=w/ "dark star" rap
#=w/ "working in a coal mine" rap ending
^^=w/ "spider fingers" tease
%%=w/ "loser" snippet during banter before next tune
[][]=w/ "play that funky music" teases & "turkey in the straw jam"
++=w/ "uncle pen" rap & "play that funky music" tease ending

Bruce Hornsby - piano, keys, vox, jokes

SBD>ADK??>DAT>CDX?>EAC(secure)>SHN--plus--EQ, CB, voxWH, RT, 
made seamless, PD&Norm, info research by Bill Mulvey--2/2011.  

original torrent(shnid=84618) notes:  shn'd by Jeffry Smith
Thanks a bunch to Sue W for getting me these discs.  Me & my buddy 
drove up to this show from Charlotte,NC--2nd row seats :)  Quite a treat!!!
PHISHBLOWZ NOTES(from most recent upload in Aug.2010): a fabulous solo show in Ashland, KY (the place I've called home since 2001) this is the only appearance Bruce ever made to this little town, and the Paramount is one of only 10 original Paramounts still in operation in this's a special show to me for all of the above, but also because it's a great set and Bruce was good and loose...the fact that it sounds incredible to boot is merely icing on the can't go wrong with this one, as you'll find something for everyone to enjoy throughout the set...the rare music fan may appreciate all of what Bruce throws down, but everyone should find something to love about this show...I feel the same way about any Bruce show because Bruce is the MAN, but this being a stellar sound puts it right up there with the best of the best IMHO

Many thanx to the Paramount for hosting the show, and to whoever was responsible for securing a SBD copy and sharing it publicly...thank me if you want to but all I have done was download a great show and offer it to those here who may want it...sharing the music (and communicating my love of the music with others) is the best way I can think of saying if you wanna thank me, go ahead, but the best way of saying thanx is sharing the music with your friends...friends don't let friends miss out on music like this, so be a friend and share this with anyone and everyone!!!!!! it's a pleasure to fill a request (you're welcome scottylou) and give back a little for all I have life is dramatically affected by the music I enjoy, and this is my way of thanking all of those who record and share the music that drives me, so before you have a chance to thank me, I thank all of you...keep on keepin on friends
VGRM series: 
VGRM01 - Mago(Martin Medeski) 2007-05-12 - Japan
VGRM02 - Ryan Adams & the Cardinals 2006-10-17 - Germany
VGRM03 - Schleigho 2010-06-25 - NYC
VGRM04 - Club d'Elf 2008-03-13 - Cambridge, MA("10th Anniversary")
VGRM05 - Schleigho 2003-10-16 - Albany, NY
VGRM06 - Los Lobos 2010-12-31 - City Winery, NYC
VGRM07 - Piers Faccini  2011-02-09 - Living Room, NYC
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon Feb 21 2011 19:18:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Feb 21 2011 19:21:59 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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