SHNID 11177 Ancient Harmony 2002-05-30
The Cabooze, Minneapolis, MN
Summary (download all files)
Ancient Harmony
The Cabooze
Minneapolis, MN
Microtech Geffel m300s (X-Y 30\' from the center of the PA and about 10\' in the air)>Lunatec V2>Oade-modified Tascam DA-P1>D8
Transfer D7>POCAB Spdif-In>Cool Edit Pro>CDWAVE>SHN by
Disc I - Set I:
1. Space-> 1:19
2. Mating Drive-> 6:38
3. So Glad to See You 8:14
4. NICU 5:26
5. Atlas 6:15
6. Lay it Down 16:40
7. Untitled Instrumental (Uncle Danky) 6:20
8. Time 6:54
Disc II - Set II:
1. Sophisticated Cissy 4:15
2. Youngboy 20:49
3. Al Oikari Intro 1:12
4. Time Will Tell->* 21:47
5. That\'s What Love Will Make You Do* 10:32
Disc III - Set II cont:
1. Memory 25:14
2. Crowd 0:53
3. Chameleon 5:39
* w/ Al Oikari (The Big Wu)
The Cabooze
Minneapolis, MN
Microtech Geffel m300s (X-Y 30\' from the center of the PA and about 10\' in the air)>Lunatec V2>Oade-modified Tascam DA-P1>D8
Transfer D7>POCAB Spdif-In>Cool Edit Pro>CDWAVE>SHN by
Disc I - Set I:
1. Space-> 1:19
2. Mating Drive-> 6:38
3. So Glad to See You 8:14
4. NICU 5:26
5. Atlas 6:15
6. Lay it Down 16:40
7. Untitled Instrumental (Uncle Danky) 6:20
8. Time 6:54
Disc II - Set II:
1. Sophisticated Cissy 4:15
2. Youngboy 20:49
3. Al Oikari Intro 1:12
4. Time Will Tell->* 21:47
5. That\'s What Love Will Make You Do* 10:32
Disc III - Set II cont:
1. Memory 25:14
2. Crowd 0:53
3. Chameleon 5:39
* w/ Al Oikari (The Big Wu)
Textdoc (download)
Ancient Harmony 2002-05-30 The Cabooze Minneapolis, MN Microtech Geffel m300s (X-Y 30' from the center of the PA and about 10' in the air)>Lunatec V2>Oade-modified Tascam DA-P1>D8 Transfer D7>POCAB Spdif-In>Cool Edit Pro>CDWAVE>SHN by Disc I - Set I: 1. Space-> 1:19 2. Mating Drive-> 6:38 3. So Glad to See You 8:14 4. NICU 5:26 5. Atlas 6:15 6. Lay it Down 16:40 7. Untitled Instrumental (Uncle Danky) 6:20 8. Time 6:54 Disc II - Set II: 1. Sophisticated Cissy 4:15 2. Youngboy 20:49 3. Al Oikari Intro 1:12 4. Time Will Tell->* 21:47 5. That's What Love Will Make You Do* 10:32 Disc III - Set II cont: 1. Memory 25:14 E: 2. Crowd 0:53 3. Chameleon 5:39 * w/ Al Oikari (The Big Wu)
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Fri Aug 09 2002 00:13:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Aug 09 2002 00:13:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
ah2002-05-30d1 (download)
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