SHNID 11052 Lake Trout 2002-07-28
8x10 Club, Baltimore, MD

Summary (download all files)
(FOB:hung from balcony) MG m200> PS2> AD20> D8 - Steve Sanford
(master)M1> Audiophile 2496 s/pdif> SoundForge 6> CDWave> Shorten32 - binarycortex

note: the track for 'Cherry Red' is intentionally not named as the rest of the show. Im only including it for the "completeness" factor. the entire song is filled with digi-noise, pops, static and drop-outs...hardly fitting quality to be spread around. however, this song is special for its extreme rareness and the fact they played it on others with it as you will.

Textdoc (download)
Lake Trout

8x10 Club
Baltimore, MD

01.ambience ->                  06:53
02.Sounds From Below            06:08
03.Say Something                05:15
04.Her                          03:44
05.Let Me Show You ->           06:14
06.Stigmata                     03:10
07.Holding                      05:08
08.I Was Wrong                  03:55
09.LIES                         04:03
10.Bliss                        05:47
01.Little Things** ->           08:00
02.#5 ->                        01:57
03.W-O-A-H## ->                 03:53
04.Airline Safety%%             04:05
05.Last Words**                 04:25
06.Stutter                      03:34
07.A Forest                     05:24
08.Bully                        07:35
09.enc1: You Know You Want It$$ 03:41
10."legal fund" banter          01:23
11.#2                           06:43
12.Wave of Mutilation           03:07
13.I Wanna Be Sedated           02:57
14.Matts thing                  08:18
enc2: Cherry Red&&

"closing party" for 8x10 Club
The Izzy's opened
** w/ 'Way To Work' jam in 'Little Things' and a tease after 'Last Words'
## very fast
%% w/ '100 Shows' lyrics
$$ Matt and Woody only
&& on different instruments: Matt=drums, Mike=keys, Ed=bass, James=guitar....full of diginoise, dropouts, static....  :(

(FOB:hung from balcony) MG m200> PS2> AD20> D8 - Steve Sanford
(master)M1> Audiophile 2496 s/pdif> SoundForge 6> CDWave> Shorten32 - binarycortex

note: the track for 'Cherry Red' is intentionally not named as the rest of the show. Im only including it for the "completeness" factor. the entire song is filled with digi-noise, pops, static and drop-outs...hardly fitting quality to be spread around. however, this song is special for its extreme rareness and the fact they played it on others with it as you will.
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Sat Aug 03 2002 20:09:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sat Aug 03 2002 20:09:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

d1 (download)
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