SHNID 108818 Los Lobos 1993-12-31
Oxnard Civic Auditorium, Oxnard, CA
Summary (download all files)
Soundboard-cassette > cassette > cassette > (CDR) Fostex CR-200 >
Wav (via EAC) > Audacity > CD Wav > Flac (Level 8).
Wav (via EAC) > Audacity > CD Wav > Flac (Level 8).
Textdoc (download)
LOS LOBOS OXNARD CIVIC AUDITORIUM OXNARD, CALIFORNIA DECEMBER 31, 1993 NEW YEARS EVE SOUNDBOARD FROM 2nd GENERATION CASSETTE Introduction Ojos De Paucha La Pistola El Corizon One Time, One Night A Matter of Time Emily Rocks and Gravel > (John Jackson) Don't Worry Baby > Peace Countdown to 1994 Auld Lang Syne Ay Te Dejo en San Antonio Volver, Volve Soy Mexico Americano Let's Say Goodnight-little glitch from tape munch Rain encore: Carbina 30-30 Anselma Shakin' Shakin Shakes Don't Keep Me Wondering Marie Marie [71:20] I was under the impression these tapes were masters and my copy was a 1st generation. Referencing the Los Lobos setlists makes clear that some songs were omitted on this tape. Thus this recording would be from a second generation cassette (our copy from Rick's copy of the master). The sound quality is excellent and it was a great night for all in attendance (I was there). Mike Martin 3/2010 Flying M Productions TRADE FREE AND NEVER SELL SUPPORT THE ARTIST AND SEE THEM LIVE * these 5 songs (below) were not on this tape Los Lobos setlists has this for 12-31-1993: 31-Dec-93 Oxnard Civic Auditorium, Oxnard CA (New Years Eve Show) El Canelo * Colas * Los Ojos de Pancha La Pistola y El Corazen One Time, One Night A Matter of Time * Emily Red Headed Woman Intro> Don't Worry Baby Peace New Years Countdown> Auld Lang Syne Ay Te Dejo en San Antonio Volver, Volver Soy Mexico Americano Let's Say Goodnight Dream in Blue * Will the Wolf Survive? * +Wicked Rain (w/Band Intro) --- Encores: Carabina .30-.30 Anselma Shakin' Shakin' Shakes Don't Keep Me Wonderin' Marie Marie + w/Louie Perez Jr. on guitar and David Hidalgo Jr. on drums There is a very sad story that began at this show. Cesar mentions his happiness at finding and re-uniting his sisters family and welcoming them at this show. A few years later Cesar's wife was kidnapped for ransom and then murdered by her own brother. One of those people that Cesar was so happy to welcome into his family on this evening.
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Created At
Sat Jul 10 2010 12:08:37 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Mar 23 2011 19:20:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
ffp (download)
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md5 (download)
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