Rescue Rooms, Nottingham, UK

Summary (download all files)
Lineage: DPA4060 > MPS6030 > JB3 line in > WAV (44.1kHZ); Location: Front left balcony (directly in front of right stack); Transfer: USB > WAV > Audacity 1.2.0 (linux; normalisation and splitting) > WAV > flac 1.1.0 (linux: "flac -V -8 *.wav")

Textdoc (download)
Ray LaMontagne
Rescue Rooms
Nottingham, UK
March 3, 2005

Lineage: DPA4060 > MPS6030 > JB3 line in > WAV (44.1kHZ)
Location: Front left balcony (directly in front of right stack)
Transfer: USB > WAV > Audacity 1.2.0 (linux; normalisation and
splitting) > WAV > flac 1.1.0 (linux: "flac -V -8 *.wav")


Please do not convert into mp3 or other lossy formats.

Please do not sell this recording.

Please do pass along the source info (this file) if you trade this


The venue layout is strange - the balcony runs along the rear and down
one side only (the right-hand side, as you are looking at the stage).
Since the PA speakerswere suspended from the ceiling, my position was
basically dead in front of the right-hand stack, at eye level with the
speaker.  There were no people in front of me.

Support act, Nerina Pallot, was also taped.

Disc 1:
01  intro                                  1:01
02  You should belong to me                6:04
03  Hold you in my arms                    6:54
04  Shelter                                6:09
05  Narrow escape                          7:41
06  Still can't feel the gin               4:50
07  Burn                                   4:44
08  Hannah                                 6:19
09  All the wild horses                    4:06
10  Jolene                                 5:47
11  Forever my friend                      7:35
12  Trouble                                6:25
13  How come                               7:07
14  Can I stay                             5:06
                                  [Total: 79:48]
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Thu Jan 14 2010 23:39:14 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sun May 22 2011 17:19:13 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

wav-md5 (download)
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eb5ba23762f4574e9d717cec4e4c166d  raylamontagne2005-03-03d1t03.wav
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2d805bc30f4a3a9d03665eb471995a57  raylamontagne2005-03-03d1t09.wav
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