Tapers Section Jam Of The Week 2016 dead.net, Various, Various

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{DttC081} Noteworthy Other Ones (A Collection)

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Grateful Dead
Dead To The Core Project
Noteworthy Other Ones (A Collection)

This is a collection of noteworthy versions of Cryptical Envelopment
and The Other One by the Grateful Dead. The song was written by Jerry,
Bob, and Billy. Originally the song was a suite called \"That\'s It For
The Other One\", consisting of three parts: Cryptical Envelopment,
Quodlibit For Tenderfeet, and The Faster We Go The Rounder We Get. It
is quite common to call combinations of the last two parts \"The Other
One\". In the early years these songs were inseperable. The Other One
started stepping out on its own in 1971, and shortly thereafter (with
the exception of a few shows in 1985) Cryptical was gone.
The collection is closely based on a list put together by Eric Wybenga
and published in his book _Dead To The Core: An Almanac of the
Grateful Dead_. Eric picked versions of The Other One from throughout
the band\'s career. When he picked a version that was commercially
released, I used an AUD instead of a SBD if one was available to me,
or I selected a similar show if there was no AUD. For this list, Eric
had an unusually high hit-rate relative to the commercially released
oeuvre. I don\'t know if that means he just like popular Other One\'s,
or that great Other One\'s are quite likely to be commercially
released? Be that as it may, I had to make more substitutions than

The track names are self-explanatory: they list the date of the
performance, the SHNID of the source, and shortened names of the songs
included in the track. If The Other One is part of a larger jam, I
included the other songs, especially when they were songs that
commonly showed up next to The Other One. Since The Other One was
associated with Drums and filled with Space from the get-go, even
before there were ritualized Drums/Space\'s, I have been more willing
than usual to include Drums and Spaces that flowed into and out of
parts of The Other One in an organic/interesting way. To create these,
I decoded to wav\'s with flac or shorten as appropriate to the source,
joined the wav\'s with shntool, edited them (in the edges and fades
way) with Wavelab, fixed the bad headers Wavelab creates with shntool
strip, and then compressed things with flac. I used flac v1.2.1,
shorten v3.6.0, shntool v3.0.2, and Wavelab V6.

First shared via bitTorrent at bt.eTree.org, Febuary 2009, by SteveSw.

 length     expanded size    cdr  WAVE problems  fmt   ratio  filename
 14:44.20      155984684 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.5279  gd67-11-11.01613.Cryptical-OtherOne-Cryptical.flac
 16:14.38      171903020 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.6218  gd68-10-30.01205.OtherOneJam.flac
 26:10.08      276966860 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.4822  gd69-02-22.07860.Cryptical-Drums-OtherOne-Cryptical-DeathDont.flac
 28:01.63      296676620 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.4978  gd69-04-04.01314.Cryptical-Drums-OtherOne-Cryptical-DeathDont.flac
 41:22.38      437914220 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.6017  gd69-11-07.21762.Cryptical-Drums-OtherOne-Lovelight.flac
 27:15.27      288477548 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.6074  gd70-01-03.19440.Cryptical-Drums-OtherOne-Cryptical-CosmicCharlie.flac
 24:26.59      258741212 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.5091  gd70-05-15.29473.Cryptical-Drums-OtherOne-Cryptical.flac
 32:36.22      345090188 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.4950  gd71-04-05.96269.Truckin-Drums-OtherOne-WharfRat.flac
 31:02.03      328463900 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.4859  gd71-12-01.76424.Cryptical-Drums-OtherOne-MeAndMyUncle-OtherOne.flac
 59:24.53      628814300 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.5478  gd72-09-28.94268.HesGone-OtherOne-BobbyMcGee-OtherOne-WharfRat.flac
 53:50.61      569915516 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.5648  gd74-06-18.89690.WRS-OtherOne-ItsASinJam-StellaBlue.flac
 48:21.17      511776428 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.5534  gd77-11-05.81180.Estimated-HesGone-Drums-OtherOne-BlackPeter.flac
 69:19.60      733788764 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.5920  gd78-01-22.28846.Terrapin-Drums-OtherOne-CloseEncounters-StStephen-NFA-Around.flac
 28:26.36      301023116 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.5599  gd78-02-05.19466.Drums-OtherOne-WharfRat-Around.flac
 39:52.11      421974716 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.5694  gd78-10-21.94599.Space-Mojo-OtherOne-StellaBlue-SugarMag.flac
 27:51.22      294816188 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.6374  gd79-10-27.29490.HesGone-CautionJam-OtherOne.flac
 44:30.22      471039788 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.5758  gd81-05-06.82368.HesGone-Jam-Drums-Space-OtherOne.flac
 11:16.59      119385212 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.5621  gd85-06-16.79021.Cryptical-OtherOne-Cryptical.flac
 51:07.47      541129388 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.6372  gd85-06-30.89192.HesGone-Cryptical-Drums-Space-OtherOne-StellaBlue.flac
 43:52.47      464395388 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.5998  gd89-08-19.83775.Drums-Space-OtherOne-WharfRat-NFA.flac
 44:07.03      466937900 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.4761  gd91-02-20.28471.Jam-Space-OtherOne-WharfRat-Around.flac
 28:48.01      304821596 B   ---   --   ---xx   flac  0.5451  gd94-06-19.82053.OtherOne-WharfRat-GoodLovin.flac
792:42.42     8390036552 B                            0.5605  (22 files)
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Sat Dec 19 2009 14:15:53 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sat Dec 19 2009 14:27:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

ffp (download)
be32b5a28b9cd95d6b89fd70a95ae122 *gd67-11-11.01613.Cryptical-OtherOne-Cryptical.flac
123f6d13c8b5b9f0632c9dd66c90a2a4 *gd68-10-30.01205.OtherOneJam.flac
0499e889c74521f6ec070419e707671e *gd69-02-22.07860.Cryptical-Drums-OtherOne-Cryptical-DeathDont.flac
fef13549ef095e27486f95721c8244f9 *gd69-04-04.01314.Cryptical-Drums-OtherOne-Cryptical-DeathDont.flac
a642bd9f26b7d35dc2bc1a0288df7a58 *gd69-11-07.21762.Cryptical-Drums-OtherOne-Lovelight.flac
51f1687f763cb15c777f2d071c67b808 *gd70-01-03.19440.Cryptical-Drums-OtherOne-Cryptical-CosmicCharlie.flac
0578747fa6ea23fb6db518a2fa7ebf33 *gd70-05-15.29473.Cryptical-Drums-OtherOne-Cryptical.flac
dd9ac2fabfab77c1f02a88605a5fe06c *gd71-04-05.96269.Truckin-Drums-OtherOne-WharfRat.flac
2c1913934218369b58d5695c078e47d8 *gd71-12-01.76424.Cryptical-Drums-OtherOne-MeAndMyUncle-OtherOne.flac
2c28110aaedfaf0b14cf4b304467350d *gd72-09-28.94268.HesGone-OtherOne-BobbyMcGee-OtherOne-WharfRat.flac
127ff30d47401815a2d9b1f2fbce83a4 *gd74-06-18.89690.WRS-OtherOne-ItsASinJam-StellaBlue.flac
319adaf99106b2ef77d7a4245eb0049d *gd77-11-05.81180.Estimated-HesGone-Drums-OtherOne-BlackPeter.flac
5dd701371a37bc0ecc9f2e78965fa668 *gd78-01-22.28846.Terrapin-Drums-OtherOne-CloseEncounters-StStephen-NFA-Around.flac
839854aa30b928e03adf8934bab3c40f *gd78-02-05.19466.Drums-OtherOne-WharfRat-Around.flac
76c070322cf51d57de865c808dfb9048 *gd78-10-21.94599.Space-Mojo-OtherOne-StellaBlue-SugarMag.flac
2e59c036d7a3db4fc447414a04660e52 *gd79-10-27.29490.HesGone-CautionJam-OtherOne.flac
d23412df0244a8d856ce18163c3733bd *gd81-05-06.82368.HesGone-Jam-Drums-Space-OtherOne.flac
dacd5ee149fc6745a8903d1441dc1ee9 *gd85-06-16.79021.Cryptical-OtherOne-Cryptical.flac
ff86cf64ef5a053be1e0ae17fb0a53e6 *gd85-06-30.89192.HesGone-Cryptical-Drums-Space-OtherOne-StellaBlue.flac
65b6c721ce3fb06452a154fda22f1423 *gd89-08-19.83775.Drums-Space-OtherOne-WharfRat-NFA.flac
b4e5d9f28ca329b0b96e09d48e902293 *gd91-02-20.28471.Jam-Space-OtherOne-WharfRat-Around.flac
86c833699b3c8d8b0c82cc682e3a24bf *gd94-06-19.82053.OtherOne-WharfRat-GoodLovin.flac

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