Emerson Theater, Bozeman, MT

Summary (download all files)
{onstage} Four Sennheiser ME64/K6P > SQN-4S > DA-P1 (DAT); Transfer: DAT > ? > AUDIO CDR > WAV via EAC > SHN [DAE step]

Textdoc (download)
Steve Kimock Band
Emerson Theatre
Bozeman, MT

first ever Steve Kimock appearance in Montana

Steve Kimock - guitars
Praire Prince - drums
Bobby Vega - bass
Pete Sears - keyboards

Source: Four Sennheiser ME64/K6P > SQN-4S > DA-P1 onstage
recorded and transfered by David Lees 

Converted to shn via: EAC (all tracks 100%) > MKW .96 SHN by Sean Hawkins

notes: Sorry to have to eac this one, but I don't have a dat to transfer. I do have 
dats of a Scheops source, but found this one a much better recording. I had 
borrowed a friends Scheops rig for the weekend and I had some major problems
making a good tape this night. Like Missoula, a few nights later, the stage in the 
Emerson was huge and it was hard for us to capture the sound with only
two mics. Attendance at this show was a mere 200 people and by the second set was
probably less than 100. The theatre held over 1000, so it really felt empty. I don't know
what to say about this show even to this day, there was such a weird, angry type vibe coming
from the stage. Maybe it was the jetlag or the elevation. One thing I do remember is a wild, cloudy
and windy spring day in Montana and maybe that had something to do with it. Enjoy! 

cd 1 / set 1
01: Cole's Law > 
02: Tangled Hangars
03: A New Africa
04: Poonk > Cissy Strut

cd 2/ set 1 continued / Set 2 beginning
01: Samba 
02: Spitfire
03: You're The One
04: Kissing the Boo Boo
05: Cowboy

cd 3/ set 2 continued
01: Five Before Funk
02: Rocco
03: My Favorite Things >
04: Hillbillies on PCP
05: Mr. Potato Head
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Fri Aug 08 2003 18:21:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Aug 08 2003 18:21:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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