SHNID 102162 Billy Martin (illy B) 2002-10-03
Tonic, New York, NY
Textdoc (download)
Billy Martin's Drop the Needle October 3, 2002 NYC, NY @ Tonic - Record Release Party Two hour-long improvised sets w/ Billy Martin - drums, percussion DJ Logic - turntables Melvin Gibbs - bass Calvin Weston - drums, percussion, trumpet, vocals Shelley Hirsch - vocals Min Xiao Fen - pipa Danny Blume - guitar Cyro Baptista - percussion one track on disc two is with Stainless Steele & DJ Image This show is two-discs with each disc being a non-tracked hour-long set. Each set is one continuous jam, therefore, there are no song-breaks, and no tracks.
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Date Circulated
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Created At
Sun Oct 25 2009 12:08:38 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sun Oct 25 2009 12:10:14 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
ffp (download)
BMartinDropTheNeedle2002-10-03d1t01.flac:731a62d7bcb6eb5efd04af090033a846 BMartinDropTheNeedle2002-10-03d2t01.flac:74d54d50e9c2be65b873c49339e9152f
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