Civic Center, Portland, OR

Summary (download all files)
low gen sbd gen X > nakCR-3A (Dolby B) > Azimuth adjusted > AudigySE > Audacity > CDwave > TLH.

Textdoc (download)
Jerry Garcia Band
January 14th,1984
Portland Civic Center
Portland,Oregon USA

gen ( x ) sbd 
Low generation sbd cassette 
Maxell XL II 90 nr B

Master> ? > Trade Cassette>NakCR-3A,B nr on, azimuth adjusted>AudigySE>Audacity>CDWave>TLH

set 1

01) I'll Take a Melody [15:41]
02) The Way You Do The Things You Do [09:00]
03) /When I Paint My Masterpiece [09:07]
04) Run For The Roses [05:21]
05) Deal [10:16]

set 2
06) The Harder They Come [12:39]
07) Mission in the Rain/ [07:53]
   total 70:01

Jerry Garcia-Guitar,Vocals
John Kahn-Bass
David Kemper-Drums
Melvin Seals-Organ
Jaclyn LaBranch-Vocals
DeeDee Dickerson-Vocals
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Fri Sep 04 2009 14:00:58 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Sep 04 2009 15:07:03 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

md5 (download)
d5d39c459669b1d7e2bdb2d718d7c10d *jgb1984-01-14t01.flac
2a96ee6045354146ba83ad312905ece5 *jgb1984-01-14t02.flac
18c7d013bebbdf2590a5c3e85bc8393a *jgb1984-01-14t03.flac
4bcb6f09593e86c95098a1ab09ad2d8f *jgb1984-01-14t04.flac
25fa086efa89a6d814cfabe19d61c8e1 *jgb1984-01-14t05.flac
8dc55b9eaf87a5b703b4b9527fa3b407 *jgb1984-01-14t06.flac
37bef60250a19f2e882d0aac7eeb4c63 *jgb1984-01-14t07.flac

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