Vanhoy Farm, Union Grove, NC

Summary (download all files)
{FOB} Core Sound CSBs (hung over the rail) > Goodwin Industries Battery Box > Sony D3 (DAT); Transfer: Sony 59ES (DAT) > WAV via Zoltrix NG Pro (coax) > CoolEdit Pro & CDWAV > WAV; Encoding: WAV > SHN [no DAE]

Textdoc (download)
Steve Kimock Band
Van Hoy Campground
Union Grove, NC

Source:  Core Sound CSBs (hung over the rail) > Goodwin Industries Battery Box > Sony D3 > DAT

Transfer:  Sony 59ES DAT > Zoltrix NG Pro (coax) > CoolEdit Pro > normalize > tweek (+8 dB/10 kHz - 20 kHz/linear) > CDWAV (tracking) > MKW > Easy CD 4.02

Track listing:

1)  Intro
2)  A New Africa
3)  Elmer's Revenge
4)  Tangled Hangers
5)  Drums >
6)  Thing Two
7)  Five Before Funk
8)  Sabertooth
9)  Extro

TT: 78:30-ish

Recorded, transferred, mastered and shortened by Scott Goodwin, 6/11/2002.


Levels are a bit nutty for the first minute or less of Africa, and my efforts 
at equalizing the "Oh shit - look at those levels!" of the opening notes aren't
spectacular by any means.  But, if you were running a 13-year old DAT, FOB, in 
a sand-floored cattle auction barn, under the influence of several powerful 
substances, in the dark, crammed into the front row of 800 dancing FLOK, you'd 
have level issues, too!  :^)  

What a great little festival this is.  You should go next year!  

This recording was made with the D3, external battery pack, and battery box 
balanced on a 1" wide aluminum rail that capped the barrier between crowd and 
stage.  I am still amazed that the gear remained there, completely unmolested, 
for the whole set, although a flying beach ball knocked the whole rig onto the 
sandy plywood front-of-house floor about three minutes before the band took the 
stage.  Sigh.

SKB was rushed offstage after a shorter-than-planned set in order to get the 
schedule back on track for that stage.  This is the fan's loss, as SKB was 
certainly *on* this time.

Other bands at Smilefest 2002:
Keller Williams
Larry Keel Experience
Bela Fleck (with and without Flecktones)
Karl Denson's TU
Acoustic Syndicate
Sam Bush Band
Colonel Bruce Hampton (ret.) And The Code Talkers
Many others...

I took the liberty of making Rondey's drum "solo" into a separate track - if 
you like it, just listen, and if not, just track up once to get to Thing Two.
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon Mar 10 2003 03:40:23 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Mar 10 2003 03:40:23 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

All (download)
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