SHNID 100473 Ryan Adams 2009-03-19
Saenger Theatre, Mobile, AL

Summary (download all files)
Source: AUD->R09

Lineage: M-Audio Pulsar 2(matched pair cardioids)> PS2>R-09(24/48)@8'DFC,FOB(Row u seat 6)

Textdoc (download)
Ryan Adams 2009-03-19
Saenger, Mobile, AL.
Source: M-Audio Pulsar 2(matched pair cardioids)>
PS2>R-09(24/48)@8' DFC,FOB(Row u seat 6)
Transfer:R-09(wav)>USB>Computer>16-bit resample/dithered CEP>
CDwav(tracking)>flac L8 >Traders Little Helper
sbeok check. Md5 with TLH.
Tweaked the volume gain some CEP@24bit.
*battery change out on the PS2, 5 second
drop out between track 14 and 15, 
track 15 starts out suddenly, but no loss of music.

D1of 2::::::::::::::::49:23
1. Monsters
2. Fix It
3. Everybody Knows
4. Crossed Out Name
5. Come Pick Me Up
6. Cobwebs
7. Two 
8. Freeway To The Canyon (Neal Casal)
9. Beautiful Sorta
10. Let It Ride
11. Natural Ghost
12. Grand Island (Neal Casal)

D2 of 2::::::::::::::::::::::46:54
1. Born Into A Light
2. When The Stars Go Blue*
3. *Goodnight Rose
4. Lost Sattelite
5. Mockingbird
6. Cold Roses
7. Shakedown On 9th Street
8. Cardinals Introductions
9. A Kiss Before I Go
10. Peaceful Valley
11. Evergreen
12. Magick
Thanks to Ryan for all the great music,
hate it that  he says he won't tour anymore for now.
Open mic recording, great old venue.
Damn DENECKE PS2 is suppose to give me
4 hours of running time, but I'm
only getting about 60min. 
Haven't got all the song titles,
any help is welcome. If any are wrong let me know, please.
Big THANKS to the Saenger for being cool 
with the recording, but six bucks for
a, small, Crown n 7 is way to much.

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Tue Aug 04 2009 17:55:16 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Sep 16 2009 11:40:38 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

ffp (download)
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Ryan Adams2009-03-1924.flac:f4d733bc7be1f428a936ef97ba8b1c82

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