Ghost Trane 2001-02-17
The Brandy House, Atlanta, GA

Set 1
Disc I [76:34]
Set I:
1. Come on in my Kitchen [4:35]
2. Shuma [22:31]
3. Zion Ship [15:56] >
4. Molly Jane [24:40] >
5. Reaper Man [8:52]

Disc II [69:27]
1. Balls and Stripes [12:39]
2. Funk-E [24:25] >
Planet Uhm* >
Easy Rider*

Set 2
Set II
3. Stampede [21:47] >
4. Green Monster Mojo [10:36]

Disc III [17:57]
1. Rama [14:47] >
2. King Kong [3:10]

Set 3

* = missing from my copy.

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
Created At
Sun Sep 09 2001 06:42:56 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Jan 31 2002 02:28:07 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Users with this performance
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brothercrow (a.k.a. michael crow)64652023-4-23