The Beacon Theatre, New York, NY

Set 1
Open Improv > Improv > Improv > Improv, Think > Bass Solo > Shacklyn Knights > Blue Pepper > Open Improv

Set 2
Percussion Procession#, Percussion Improv# > Dracula#, Improv > We Are Rolling > Fire > Smoke > Drum Solo > Big Time > Jelly Belly^

E: Bass Solo > Gonzo, Bubblehouse

Set 3

w/ Marc Ribot from Think to end of show (except Gonzo)
w/ Kid Koala and DJ P-Love from Dracula to end of show (except Gonzo)
# w/ Whirligig Percussion ensemble (The band and the drummers walked through the crowd and on stage while playing like at last year's 10/31 show)
^ w/ Going Home quotes at the start

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
61582001-10-31The Beacon TheatreNew YorkNY
shn; Source: Schoeps CMC 64> Lunatec 316> Sonic AD-2000> D8> Waveterminal 2496> CD Wav Ed> Soundforge 4.5 (fades only)> .shn (ORTF, FOB, 4th Row Aisle, Left of Center); taped/transferred/.shn: Mike Ayers; thanks to Eric McRoberts for setting up and running this nice rig
66472001-10-31The Beacon TheatreNew YorkNY
(fob, 4th row @ left PA) Schoeps cmc64 (ortf)-> Lunatec 316-> Sonic AD2K+ (16ns3, 20, @44.1kHz); Audio Magic X-Stream XLRs from 316->2K+. Mastering deck was a DA-P1; Transfer: R500-> Audio Magic Presto II-> Zefiro ZA2-> Soundforge 4.5-> CDWav-> .shn; recorded, transferred by Eric McRoberts, with thanks to Mike Ayers for recording location; hosted by James Tierney
Created At
Mon Nov 02 2009 12:32:52 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sun Mar 02 2003 17:58:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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