Little Feat 1977-08-10
Linser Auditorium, Washington, DC

Set 1
Walkin' all Night, Red Streamliner, Fat Man In The Bathtub, Day At The Dog Races, All That You Dream, On Your Way Down>Time Loves A Hero, Day Or Night, Skin It Bac,Oh Atlanta, Old Folk's Boogie, Dixie Chicken>Tripe Face Boogie

Set 2
Encore I: Feat's Don't Fail Me Now, Rocket In My Pocket

Set 3
Encore II: Sailin'


SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
314611977-08-10Linser AuditoriumWashingtonDC
Source: aud Lineage: 2nd gen aud > cd > FLAC
1369951977-08-10Linser AuditoriumWashingtonDC
flac16; AUD 1st gen reel
Don Grossinger’s copy
AUD cassette master > 7”reel @ 3.75 ips, no nr
sony tc-850>sony sbm1> cdr
transfer c.2005, remaster, seeded 2016
-Rob Berger
Created At
Tue Jul 24 2001 13:27:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jul 24 2001 13:27:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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