Phish 2016-10-25
Verizon Theatre at Grand Prairie, Grand Prairie, TX

Set 1
Daniel Saw the Stone, The Moma Dance > Chalk Dust Torture, Cities, Foam, Waking Up Dead, Divided Sky, I Didn't Know, Walk Away > What's the Use? > More

Set 2
Stealing Time From the Faulty Plan, Backwards Down the Number Line > Lifeboy, Meatstick, The Line, Tide Turns > Taste, Friday, Waves > Julius, Good Times Bad Times

ENCORE: Show of Life

Set 3

Lifeboy was played for the first time since December 29, 2011 (189 shows). Friday was played for the first time since August 14, 2004 (325 shows).

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1371282016-10-25Verizon Theatre at Grand PrairieGrand PrairieTX
flac16 44.1kHz DPA 4018er(DIN/DFC@11.5’/OTS)->Portico 5012->SD788T(24/96)->UV22HR(16/44.1)->xACT->FLAC; Recorded and transferred by Scott Schneider
1371342016-10-25Verizon Theatre at Grand PrairieGrand PrairieTX
flac16 44.1kHz DPA 2011c's -> Sonosax SX-R4 (24/48); FOB, LOC, Section 104, Row O, x-y; Sonosax SX-R4 -> Audacity (16/44) -> CD Wave -> Flac
1374422016-10-25Verizon Theatre at Grand PrairieGrand PrairieTX
flac24, 48kHz; Neumann KM150 + Neumann KM140 + Rode NT-2A > Zoom F8 (24bit/48kHz); SDHC -> Soundforge Pro 11 > CD Architect 5.2 > Traders Little Helper Level 8 @24/48; Taped & Transferred by Don Olker
1375192016-10-25Verizon Theatre at Grand PrairieGrand PrairieTX
flac16 44.1kHz AKG 480b/ck63 > Sound Devices 744T (24/48); Audacity > CD Wave > TLH; Taped & Transferred by Walt Ferguson
Created At
Wed Oct 26 2016 09:14:52 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Oct 26 2016 09:14:52 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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