Jeff Mosier 2016-01-16
Variety Playhouse, Atlanta, GA
Set 1
Clock Goes On
In This Life
Ring Them Bells
Little Tiny Butter Biscuits> Nellie Kane> Little Tiny Butter Biscuits
Crawdad Song
Farewell To Lemmings
Black Muddy River *
In This Life
Ring Them Bells
Little Tiny Butter Biscuits> Nellie Kane> Little Tiny Butter Biscuits
Crawdad Song
Farewell To Lemmings
Black Muddy River *
Set 2
Set 3
* w/ Shanti Price - flute, Ted Norton - guitar
Jeff Mosier - banjo, vocal
Matt Williams - guitar, vocal
Jessica Williams - flute, vocal
David Blackmon - fiddle
William Barnes - pedal steel
Bryan Hall - bass, tuba
Will Groth - drums
Jeff Mosier - banjo, vocal
Matt Williams - guitar, vocal
Jessica Williams - flute, vocal
David Blackmon - fiddle
William Barnes - pedal steel
Bryan Hall - bass, tuba
Will Groth - drums
SHNID | Date | Venue | City | State | Archive Identifier |
Created At
Sat Mar 26 2016 08:46:22 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Mar 25 2016 09:19:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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