Damo Suzuki 2007-04-25
Tramway, Glasgow, Scotland

Set 1

Set 2

Set 3

Sound Carriers:

Damo Suzuki (Damo Suzuki)
Hamish Black (Guitar)
Sushil K Dade (Bass, Electronics)
Raymond MacDonald (Saxophones)
Bill Wells (Keyboards)
Douglas MacIntyre (Electronic Guitar)
Sace (Drums)

NB: The sound carriers list was taken from Damo's website http://www.damosuzuki.de/
I'm sure there was a second person playing sax/clarinet or other woodwind.

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
Created At
Sun Aug 09 2015 04:16:05 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sun Aug 09 2015 04:16:05 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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Jack Warner4011452024-2-24