Eddie Vedder 1998-11-06
Karma Club, Boston, MA

Set 1
Stuff And Nonsense
World Where You Live
History Never Repeats
Off He Goes
Throw Your Arms Around Me

Set 2

Set 3

After Dave Dobbyn's opening set, Neil Finn plays a short solo set, later accompanied by his son, Liam. Eventually, a newly blonde Ed joins Neil and they play 'Stuff and Nonsense' (Split Enz song), 'World Where You Live' (Crowded House song) and 'History Never Repeats' (another Split Enz tune). Ed leaves the stage and Neil's excellent set continues. Neil calls for his guests to return for the second encore, and Ed comments, "Neil asked me if I wanted to do one of our (PJ's) songs, but I think it's more fun to do his. But it's tough to turn down an opportunity to play music with people like this" (referencing Neil and his very talented son). This lead to a wonderful 'Off He Goes,' (Neil playing piano, Liam on electric guitar and Ed on acoustic). Ed's hand is bandaged and he explains he injured it surfing, his doctor advised him not to play guitar for 6-8 weeks, but he wasn't listening ;) . They then continue into 'Throw Your Arms Around Me,' with Neil and Ed alternating verses. After Ed leaves, Neil says, "The good thing about losing your band and playing solo is that you get to play with a lot of great people" (referring to Ed). (Sadly, a few obnoxious PJ/"Eddie" fans rudely blabbed during Neil's set and were generally unruly.)

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
Created At
Tue Oct 07 2008 09:55:19 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jul 10 2001 22:15:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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