Widespread Panic 1995-12-29
Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Auditorium, Chattanooga, TN

Set 1
Love Tractor>pleas, Holden Oversoul, Jack, Walkin'(for your love, Radio Child, It Ain't No Use>Blackout Blues, Travlin' Light*

Set 2
Ain't Life Grand*, Aunt Avis*>Hatfield, Weight of the World, Rebirtha>C. Brown*, Airplane>Drums>Papa Legba>Proving Ground

Set 3
E: Dream Song>Mr. Soul

* with John Keane on pedal steel

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
132771995-12-29Soldiers and Sailors Memorial AuditoriumChattanoogaTN
MG m300 > Oade > D10 @48k > D8 > D8 Conversion: DAL CardDeluxe > Soundforge 6.0d (48 < 44.1) < CDWave < mkw
259311995-12-29Soldiers and Sailors Memorial AuditoriumChattanoogaTN
Source: AKG391>Oade PS>SV 250 FOB DFC Way Up In The Air
839771995-12-29Soldiers and Sailors Memorial AuditoriumChattanoogaTN
EV-RE20's~>SBM1~>D8 by Michael Wilker
857891995-12-29Soldiers and Sailors Memorial AuditoriumChattanoogaTN
flac16 44.1kHz Set 1 Only: SBD > Dat > CD > EAC > CDWav > Flac
864781995-12-29Soldiers and Sailors Memorial AuditoriumChattanoogaTN
flac16 44.1kHz nak 100/cp1 > fostex x18 > D7 (fob, dfc), by john m and greg b; this one includes the whole show nak100 from the 5th or 6th row, a great recording, and also the first set DSBD from rick (DAT(2) > cd(1) > eac > cdwave > flac)
1689371995-12-29Soldiers and Sailors Memorial AuditoriumChattanoogaTN
flac1648 (From Matt Redmond)
Created At
Thu Apr 12 2001 05:40:27 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jul 10 2001 22:15:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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