Gov't Mule 2013-09-05
Lockn' Music Festival Ridge Stage, Arrington, VA

Set 1
Jam >
Steppin' Lightly >
World Boss >
Broke Down On The Brazos >
Tributary Jam
Banks Of The Deep End
Scared To Live >
*Dear Prudence >
*Gold Dust Woman
*Whisper In Your Soul >
*Find The Cost Of Freedom >
*Southern Man >
Thorazine Shuffle >
Funny Little Tragedy >
Torazine Shuffle
Piano Solo >

Set 2

Set 3

* With Grace Potter On Vocals
# With The Warren Haynes Band

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1256432013-09-05Lockn' Music Festival Ridge StageArringtonVA
flac16; Schoeps CCM4V'S(din)>Lunatec V2>Benchmark AD2K> Sound Devices 722 (24/48)
FOB/DFC/KFC/ZFC/AARP 90' From Stage, 7' High
DSP: Sound Devices 722>Sound Forge 9.0>CD Wave>flac(16)
Recorded By: Z-Man
Seeded By: Z-Man
1256442013-09-05Lockn' Music Festival Ridge StageArringtonVA
flac16; Neumann 140's > V-3 >Sound Devices 722 - 24/96 >
Sound Forge 7 > CD Wave > Flac 16
Recorded by David Dyche
seeded by David Dyche
1256562013-09-05Lockn' Music Festival Ridge StageArringtonVA
flac16; DPA 4023 > Lunatec V3 (digital) > Edirol R-44 (24/48)
Transfer: R-44 > iMac. Tracked and dithered via Sound Studio, FLAC via xACT
Recorded by Alex Leary (vwmule at gmail)
1256602013-09-05Lockn' Music Festival Ridge StageArringtonVA
flac16; Schoeps mk21 (NOS)>kcy>aki2c>cmc6>Oade m248>M10
location: fob/dfc/50' from stage
transfer: sdhc>Amadeus Pro>Sample Manager>xACT
recorded and seeded: Carrington Crawford
1256782013-09-05Lockn' Music Festival Ridge StageArringtonVA
flac16; 4 channel mix: Scheops MK4+MK8>Tascam DR-680 + Josephson C42>Lunatec v2>Tascam DR-680
FOB in front of center stack 60' From Stage, 8' High
DSP: Tascam DR-680>SD card>adobe audition
cs5.5>traderslilhelper(flac)>foobar2000(id3 tagging)
Recorded By: Kenji Seeded By: Kenji
1303612013-09-05Lockn' Music Festival Ridge StageArringtonVA
flac16; Sony C38B > PMD661
Conversion: Cdwave > TLH > Foobar2000/sox
Recorded By Stan Roberts
1533862013-09-05Lockn' Music Festival Ridge StageArringtonVA
SRC: AKG-C480B's (CK-61 cards) > Tascam HD-P2 > 24 bit/96 khz WAV
Lineage: Resample to 44.1 khz (VHQ, steep, minimum phase), dither (shaped, shibata filter) and 16 bit conversion done in SoX > FLAC
Created At
Thu Sep 12 2013 17:45:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Sep 06 2013 06:45:44 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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