Zero 1994-05-29
New George's, San Rafael, CA

Set 1
Baby Baby
Theme From Nancy Germany
Mercury Blues
Rigor Mortis Fake > Golden Road
Home on the Range

Set 2
It's Up to You
End of the World Blues
Mona> Who Do You Love> Mona
Don't Spare The Horses
Highway 61

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Gregg's Eggs

Set 3


SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
38041994-05-29New George'sSan RafaelCA
Source: AUD>unknown onstage mics>DAT@48K Playback: Sony PCM-R500> ZA2 (convert to 44.1K)> Sound Forge> CDRWIN> Yamaha 6416@6x> CD
SHN: CD Wave> mkw Audio Compression Tool> CDRWIN> Yamaha 6416@6x> CD
DAT>CD and SHN conversion by Jeff Baker
273491994-05-29New George'sSan RafaelCA
Source: AUD>unknown onstage mics>DAT@48K
Playback: Sony PCM-R500>ZA2 (convert to 44.1K)> Sound Forge>CDRWIN>Yamaha 6416@6x>CD
SHN: CD Wave>mkw Audio Compression Tool>CDRWIN> Yamaha 6416@6x>CD
Fixed version of this fileset.
1414921994-05-29New George'sSan RafaelCA
Unknown On-Stage audience
1703001994-05-29New George'sSan RafaelCA
flac1648 Dat clone>File cloned in Microtrack using Tascam Dat deck>Goldwave processing and tracking>TLH8 Flac Audience, unknown mics onstage. Clone sent me by Steve F. who in turn received from the taper. Dolphinsmile: Producer for the Dolphinsmile Archive
Created At
Sun Jan 11 2009 15:33:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jul 10 2001 22:15:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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