Seaside Park- GOTV, Bridgeport, CT

Set 1
Scarlet Begonias >
Just Like Tom Thumb Blues
Crazy Fingers>
Friend Of The Devil
Uncle John's Band

Set 2
The Golden Road>
Viola Lee Blues
St. Stephen>
Unbroken Chain
Shakedown Street>
Standing On The Moon>
Going Down The Road Feeling Bad


Set 3


SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1254672013-07-26Seaside Park- GOTVBridgeportCT
Source:Audio Technica AT897's>AT8202(-10DB)>Tascam DR100MKII Transfer:SD Card>PC>CD Wave>FLAC Taped and Transfered by M.Laurentus Sr., M.Laurentus Jr. Official Taper Section
1254682013-07-26Seaside Park- GOTVBridgeportCT
Location OTS/RSOB (~3/4 back); mics clamped to rail @~12 ft Set 1 source: MBHO603/ka200n (nos) > V3 (rca) > Tascam DR680 (48/24) Set 1 transfer: SDEC10 > Sound Forge 9.0 (convert 44.1/16, track and fades) > TLH (flac@8 & ffp) Set 2 source: MBHO603/ka200n (nos) > V3 (optical) > Sony PCM-D50 (48/24) Set 2 transfer: Sony ProDuo > Sound Forge 9.0 (convert 44.1/16, track and fades) > TLH (flac@8 & ffp) Recorded, transferred and seeded by Bob Crupi
1254742013-07-26Seaside Park- GOTVBridgeportCT
Source: Schoeps CCM4V'S(din)>Lunatec V2>Benchmark AD2K> Sound Devices 722 (24/48) SOB/OTS/DRFC/KFC/ZFC/AARP 12 1/2' High DSP: Sound Devices 722>Sound Forge 10.0>CD Wave>flac(16) Recorded By: Z-Man Seeded By: Z-Man
1253092013-07-26Seaside Park- GOTVBridgeportCT
flac16 Location OTS/RSOB (~3/4 back); mics clamped to rail @~12 ft Set 1 source: MBHO603/ka200n (nos) > V3 (rca) > Tascam DR680 (48/24) Set 1 transfer: SDEC10 > Sound Forge 9.0 (convert 44.1/16, track and fades) > TLH (flac@8 & ffp) Set 2 source: MBHO603/ka200n (nos) > V3 (optical) > Sony PCM-D50 (48/24) Set 2 transfer: Sony ProDuo > Sound Forge 9.0 (convert 44.1/16, track and fades) > TLH (flac@8 & ffp) Recorded, transferred and seeded by Bob Crupi
1254692013-07-26Seaside Park- GOTVBridgeportCT
**** Flac24****
Taped by: Cam Keough Transferred by: Cam Keough
Source: Busman BSC-1 (cards)-> XLR-> Naiant Littlebox-> Sony PCM-M10 (24/48)-> Micro SD Lineage: Micro SD-> Hard Drive->Vegas-> Wavepad-> THL .wav-> flac lv. 6
Location: Tapersection right of SBD, 13ft high, 100 or so ft back
1254782013-07-26Seaside Park- GOTVBridgeportCT
Source: Microtech Gefel 210>Aeta PSP3>Marantz PMD 620 (right side of SBD) Transfer:Marantz PMD 620>PC>CD Wave>Traders Little Helper>Flac (Level 8) Taper: Freddie G Transfered: Freddie G
1504112013-07-26Seaside Park- GOTVBridgeportCT
Flac16 : Source: SBD Uploaded to etree by mike246
Created At
Thu Aug 01 2013 16:26:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jul 30 2013 20:43:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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