Gov't Mule 2013-07-15
Fabrik, Hamburg, Germany

Set 1
No Reward w/ A Capella Intro
Larger than Life
Thelonius Beck
Painted silver Light
I'd rather go blind
Time to confess w/ Shakedown Street Tease
Broke down on the Brazos >
Tributary Jam
Inside outside Woman Blues
Mr. High & Mighty

Set 2
John the Revelator
Little Toy Brain
I'm a Ram >
Funny little Tragedy
Bad little Doggie >
Blind Man in the Dark w/ Eleanor Rigby Tease
Have Mercy on the Criminal
Feel like breaking up somebody's Home > Final Farewell > Audience

Set 3


SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
flac16; oktava mk-012c [matched pair] > xlr-in tascam dr-100 mk II [medium gain setting] > .wav > usb2 > audacity [amp +4 db - fades] > .wav > cdwave [tracked and converted] > .flac
mic-position xy, bb, dfc, 60 ft from stage
10 ft high [mics fixed to stand]
Taper: Ulrich Rettinger [africolaman AT gmx DOT de]
Taper's Supervisor: Rainer Neuburger [raimax]
flac16; Schoeps CCM4's (ortf) > Sound Devices MixPre-D > Sony PCM-M10 (16/44.1)
Location: 20m (60 ft) from stage, on stand 3,00m (10 ft high), bob, dfc, sge
Transfer: M10 > USB > PC > Audacity (edits, fades) > CD Wave Editor (tracking) > TLH > flac (level 8)
Taped & transferred by msp_mule
A Team Southern Germany Recording
Created At
Tue Jul 16 2013 12:11:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jul 16 2013 12:11:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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