Johnny Rotten 2000-??-??
Rotten TV (episodes 1,2,3), Los Angeles, CA

Set 1
VH-1, 1999-2000

Three half hour episodes for VH-1, USA.

John's very own show. Each episode as unique as the man himself. No strict format: Not a talk show; not a music show; not a sketch show; not a political debate show. But yes: all of the above, and more. I think it's called content...

"No Lies, No Fake, No Fraud…"

Of a planned series of seven only three were completed before VH-1 and Mr Rotten decided they were no longer suited. Pity, because things were really beginning to get interesting...

Episode 1: "What time does the war start?" John gets thrown off Roseanne Barr's talk show; destroys Sex Pistols memorabilia with a tank; interviews a Hollywood Madame-cum-entertainer (no pun!); gets stood up by 'rock stars'; and interview's wannabe MTV VJ's (yes Simon, we saw it too).

Set 2
Episode 2: Life in front of – and behind – the media circus. John goes to the Sundance Film Festival; gets interviewed, and does some of his own brand of 'Attack Hampster' interviewing.

Set 3
Episode 3: US Election Special. Mr Rotten visits the Republican and Democrat Party conventions. A behind-the-scenes look at the hypocrisy and fake showbiz glam of American politics, but with an important message: 'Make your voice heard!' And you say VH-1 decided the scrap the show after this episode? I wonder why. The scaredy cats...

Only 3 episodes out of 7 ever recorded

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
Created At
Wed Oct 17 2012 14:17:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Oct 17 2012 14:17:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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