Bruce Cockburn 1998-08-18
Festival By The Sea Main Stage, Saint John, NB
Set 1
Red Ships Take Off In The Distance
Silver Wheels
Lovers in a Dangerous Time
Facist Architecture
Night Train
The Embers of Eden
The Whole Night Sky
Sunrise of Missippi
Soul of a Man
Silver Wheels
Lovers in a Dangerous Time
Facist Architecture
Night Train
The Embers of Eden
The Whole Night Sky
Sunrise of Missippi
Soul of a Man
Set 2
Mistress of Storms
How I Spent My Fall Vacation
All the Ways I want You (minor dropouts, tape issues)
They Call it Democracy
Mines of Mozambique
The Charity of Night (cut)
How I Spent My Fall Vacation
All the Ways I want You (minor dropouts, tape issues)
They Call it Democracy
Mines of Mozambique
The Charity of Night (cut)
Set 3
This show was part of Festival By The Sea, a multicultural festival held
each summer outdoors on the waterfront in Saint John, NB. The show is
Brucke Cockburn solo, about a week after he was originally scheduled to
play. On the original date Bruce was very sick and couldn't perform. He
generously agreed to return a week later and play his show to a very
appreciative crowd. At some points you can hear traffic (notably
motorcycles) driving past the venue, which is very close to some downtown
streets. Bruce notes this humerously right before All the Ways I Want You.
Overall an interesting night of music, and the only recording of the show!
each summer outdoors on the waterfront in Saint John, NB. The show is
Brucke Cockburn solo, about a week after he was originally scheduled to
play. On the original date Bruce was very sick and couldn't perform. He
generously agreed to return a week later and play his show to a very
appreciative crowd. At some points you can hear traffic (notably
motorcycles) driving past the venue, which is very close to some downtown
streets. Bruce notes this humerously right before All the Ways I Want You.
Overall an interesting night of music, and the only recording of the show!
SHNID | Date | Venue | City | State | Archive Identifier |
Created At
Tue May 17 2011 21:13:04 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sun May 15 2011 19:21:17 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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