The Abbey Pub, Chicago, IL

Set 1
Johnny Cash
Heart Of Saturday Night
Wild Bill Jones
Bolin Creek
Love Is Like A Train
Down In The Hollow
Colorado Bluebird Sky
One After Nine O Nine

Set 2
Road of Destruction
Breakin Through
Blue Green Slime ->
Midnight Run
Flight Of The Durbin
Long Journey Home
Get Me Outta This City ->
Whole Lotta Love
Quinn The Eskimo ->
See Me, Feel Me ->
New Country Blues

Set 3


SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1128102011-04-09The Abbey PubChicagoIL
flac24;source 1;SBD -> Presonus Firebox(24/96) -> MacBook Pro OS X 10.6.4 - Cubase 4 LE (6 channel mixdown); source 2:(FOB)Sterling Audio ST55's -> Monster XLR's -> Presonus Firebox(24/96)-> MacBook Pro OS X 10.6.4 - Cubase 4 LE (6 channel mixdown); source 3: (FOB)Neumann km184's -> Lunatec V3 -> Canare Impedance Trans. -> Apogee Wyde-EYE BNC Coaxial -> Sound Devices 722t -> Presonus Firebox(24/96) -> MacBook Pro OS X 10.6.4 - Cubase 4 LE (6 channel mixdown); transfer:MacBook Pro OS X 10.6.4 - Cubase 4 LE (6 channel mixdown), Wave Editor (tracking) -> FLAC24(encoding and tagging); location:FOB, SROC, 30' from stage, stand @ 8 feet; recorded & uploaded by teamdrink
1128112011-04-09The Abbey PubChicagoIL
flac16;source 1;SBD -> Presonus Firebox(24/96) -> MacBook Pro OS X 10.6.4 - Cubase 4 LE (6 channel mixdown); source 2:(FOB)Sterling Audio ST55's -> Monster XLR's -> Presonus Firebox(24/96)-> MacBook Pro OS X 10.6.4 - Cubase 4 LE (6 channel mixdown); Source 3:(FOB)Neumann km184's -> Lunatec V3 -> Canare Impedance Trans. -> Apogee Wyde-EYE BNC Coaxial -> Sound Devices 722t -> Presonus Firebox(24/96) -> MacBook Pro OS X 10.6.4 - Cubase 4 LE (6 channel mixdown); transfer:MacBook Pro OS X 10.6.4 - Cubase 4 LE (6 channel mixdown), Wave Editor (tracking, iZotope Resampler, dither (mbit+) -> FLAC16(encoding and tagging); location:FOB, SROC, 30' from stage, stand @ 8 feet; recorded & uploaded by teamdrink
Created At
Mon Apr 11 2011 18:36:03 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Apr 11 2011 18:36:03 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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