The Subterranean, Chicago, IL

Set 1
disk 1:
1. Everybody Wanna Get Rich Right Away (RW 20th Congress) 6:42
2. White Russian (RW 20th Congress) 4:21

3. Quantico VA (Greyboy Allstars) 13:01
4. Carry On Brother (Eddie Harris) 14:04
5. Fire Eater (Rusty Bryant) 12:54
6. Posion Pussy (???) 13:06

disk 2:
1. Stanton Intro 1:26
2. The Yodel* (John Patton) 10:35
3. Boogaloo Boogie* (John Patton) 10:48
4. Out Of My Head# (???) 16:48
5. Trampoline# (Nino Nardini tune) 8:18
6. ????$ 7:59
7. Jam$

disk 3
1. Jam$ (con't) 8min
2. One-Cylinder$ (Lou Donaldson) 20min
3. Funk-O-Rama$ (Eddie Harris) 15-20min

* w/ Skerik
# w/ Neil Sugarmen
$ w/ Fareed Haque

Set 2

Set 3

Robert Walter: keys, Skerik: horns, Stanton Moore: drums, Cheme Castelum: sax, David Carano, Fareed Haque: guitar
(more people sat in that night)

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
77262000-08-05The SubterraneanChicagoIL
Source: on-stage dsbd matrix: xy90 Schoeps cmc64> httl> schoeps vms 52ub> da-p1 + sbd> samson mixpad 4> da-p1 -Kurt Ruthe
145222000-08-05The SubterraneanChicagoIL
DAUD/On-Stage Schoeps MK4/CMC6 > HTTL > VMS52UB + SBD > Sampson Mixpad 4 > Tascam DAP1 @ 44.1kHz 1st generation clone of master used in below transfer.

Sony PCM-R500 > AM Presto II Coax > Delta Di0 2496 > Samplitude v5.5 > CDwav > mkwACT v0.97 (shn files have seek tables appended) **No DAE at all**
Created At
Sun Oct 01 2000 11:34:12 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jan 14 2003 01:02:04 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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