Gov't Mule 2009-07-24
The Fillmore, Charlotte, NC

Set 1
A Million Miles From Yesterday
Slackjaw Jezebel
Rocking Horse
Banks Of The Deep End
Patchwork Quilt
Little Toy Brain
Time To Confess

****Set Break "Safety Dance" with Brian Farmer, Chris Rushin, Earl McCoy, Kenny Harwell & Danny Bennett

Set 2
I'm A Ram
Feel Like Breaking Up Somebody's Home
World Gone Wild
Bad Little Doggie intro tease >
Livin' Lovin' Maid
Mother Earth
Mr. Man

Goin' Out West >
Bang A Gong > (w/Fillmore verses)
Goin' Out West

Set 3


SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1003172009-07-24The FillmoreCharlotteNC
Team Dirty South Recording. [fob@sbd/6'roc/stand@8.5'] Peluso cemc6/ck21 [nos] -> BMp2+ UA-5 + Peluso P Stereo [cards/75 deg] -> R-44 [24/48] -> Wavelab 5.0 [mtx/fades] -> CD Wave 1.98 -> Wavelab 5.01a [UV22HR/Resampler 192] -> FLAC [6].
recorded by: Chris Davis, Col. George, and Wise.
1003152009-07-24The FillmoreCharlotteNC
Schoeps MK4 > KC5 > CMC6 > Lunatec V3 > Marantz PMD-671
Location: Just in front of the soundboard DFC
Conversion: 24 bit 48 k wav files resampled to 44.1 with Sound Forge 6.0 at highest quality settings and dithered to 16 bit, split into tracks with CD Wave, fades at beginning & end of sets with Sound Forge 6.0, FLAC files generated with FLAC front end.
Recording & conversion by Robbie Dunn
1004602009-07-24The FillmoreCharlotteNC
Source: DPA 4021>Sound Devices 722 (24/96)
Location: FOB, SLOC @ 11'
Recording/Tracking: Bish
1005152009-07-24The FillmoreCharlotteNC
24 BIT
Source 1: 4 mic Peluso Audience Matrix
source 1: Peluso cemc6/ck21 [nos] -> BMp2+ UA-5 -> R-44 [24/48]
Source 2: Peluso P Stereo [cards/75 deg] -> R-44 [24/48]
Location: fob @ sbd / 6' roc / stand @ 8.5'
Transfer: R-44 -> Wavelab 5.0 [mtx/fades] -> CD Wave 1.98 -> FLAC [6]
Created At
Sat Jul 25 2009 17:38:51 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sat Jul 25 2009 17:38:51 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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