KVHW 1999-09-19
Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA

Set 1
Five B4 Funk
You're the One
Express Yourself
In Time
A New Africa

Set 2
Point of No Return >
Spring Water >
Tangled Hangers
Nine > Ring Around the Moon > Nine
It's Impossible >
Sea Blues
Kissin' The Boo Boo

Set 3


SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
13951999-09-19Fillmore AuditoriumSan FranciscoCA
{onstage} Nak 700's > D7 (DAT); Transfer: DAT > ? > AUDIO CDR > ? > SHN [DAE step(s)]; NOTE: D1t1 may have originally been flawed I have no info as to what the flaw was. A "fixed" md5 is included here with the original.
97231999-09-19Fillmore AuditoriumSan FranciscoCA
{onstage} Nak 700s (Blumlein) > Sony D5M > D7 (DAT); Transfer: Tascam DA-20 mkII (DAT) > Lucid PCI24 > Soundforge 4.5 & CDWav > SHN [no DAE]
107091999-09-19Fillmore AuditoriumSan FranciscoCA
{onstage} Nak 700s > D5M/D7 (DAT); Transfer: DAT > ? > AUDIO CDR > ? > SHN [DAE steps]
275451999-09-19Fillmore AuditoriumSan FranciscoCA
Source: onstage Nakamichi 700's Blumlein-> Sony D5M as mic preamp->D7 by Dr. Bob Wagner
Transfer: Fostex D-5 > Audio Magic Presto II (AES/EBU, XLR >&>) > Zefiro ZA2 > Soundforge 5.0 (48 > 44.1 kHz w/anti-alias filter on and setting of 4/4) > CDWav 1.71 > SHN
999081999-09-19Fillmore AuditoriumSan FranciscoCA
flac16;Source: Akg C-1000 > Sony TCD-D10 Pro II DAT Master Recorded FOB by Jim Birkhead ;Transfer: Panasonic SV-3700 > UA-5 > USB > WaveLab Mastering with iZotope Ozone 4 > CD Wave > Flac ; Transfer and mastering June 30, 2009 Bill Koucky Green Mountain Bro.
Created At
Fri May 02 2003 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri May 02 2003 23:51:10 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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