Six Flags Elitch Gardens, Denver, CO

Set 1
Standing Under a Road untitled * Grey Fourth Stay Awake It's Not Okay Why Can't You Ever Let it Go > Trouble What You Say Starstruck + Blue Flashing Light [Travis]

Set 2
Grey Why Can't You Ever Let it Go Standing Under a Road Fourth Reasons Just What I Needed [The Cars] What You Say > Lucy's Song (Millenios) Stay Awake Kill Daisy

Set 3
I Hope You're Right Stay Awake () > Trouble Slow Down Everybody Wants to Rule the World [Tears for Fears] What You Say untitled * It's Not Okay Grey Why Can't You Ever Let it Go Dancin' with Myself [Billy Idol] (V) intro Why Can't You Ever Let it Go Standing Under a Road Just [Radiohead] Starstruck + Lucy's Song (Millenios) Holly Kill Daisy -> Like a Prayer [Madonna] @

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SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
Created At
Wed Dec 09 2009 16:03:35 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Dec 09 2009 16:03:35 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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