Broadway Theater, MSC Lirica, Caribbean

Set 1
Boatman's Dance
Bloody Mary Morning
Going Across The Sea
On The Run
Rain Still Falls
Steep Grade Sharp Curves
King Ebeneizer
Catch A Criminal
Damned If The Right One Didn't Go Wrong
Red Tail Lights
Fine Excuses
My Gal
Keep on Going
Sidewalk Stars
Keep On Going
Sharecropper's Son

Set 2

Set 3


SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
900052008-01-06Broadway TheaterMSC LiricaCaribbean
Source: Schoeps mk4/cmc6 -> Sound Devices 722 @ 24x44.1 -> Wavelab 4 (fades and dither to 16 bit using UV22HR) -> cdwav -> FLAC Frontend Transfer: SD722 -> pc -> Wavelab 4 -> cdwav -> FLAC Frontend -> Torrent Spy -> Azureus -> You Taped and transferred by kluyfrtliu
Created At
Thu Oct 02 2008 16:35:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Jan 11 2008 14:27:29 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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