Basement, Berlin, Germany

Set 1
Space -> Old Tattoo, My Flash On You, Camera, Cracker, Gun Or Run, No Mercy On Ravers, The Drifter, Can't Remember, Kicksville, Psychosis, Last Song About You, Lifetime, Soma Shop

Encore 1: Better Hurry
Encore 2: Mind Garage

Set 2

Set 3

The Basement is a tiny vault of a chapel: brick walls and ceilings, a very small and low stage as well as an improvised bar make for a typical Friedrichshain setting. The show is comfortably attended by young alternative people who are there to party on a Saturday night. The band plays through their backline creating a simply perfect, warm, yet stinging sound: all instruments and vocals are distinctive and clearly distinguishable -- this is how Brotherhood should be listened to! The performance too leaves nothing to desired, particularly the first 30 minutes find the band blasting through their repertoire at their most explosive, pure garage punk! A brilliant version of "The drifter" features finest pling-plong psychedelia, crazy 'n' weird stuff! The mood is great, lots of interaction with the responsive audience occurs. As opposed to the night before in Potsdam where the song was turned into a prog-monster "Better hurry" is a lean 10 minute power dance track tonight, designed to feature a white-hot Kiryk-solo and nothing else. Erik & Kiryk also perform their little choreography during the drum-break and they engage the audience in soul-clapping. In rare fashion they play a second encore, a little past the venue's midnight curfew but the party audience deserves it tonight. On the setlist but not played: "A thing called love" and "Surrender".

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
Created At
Sun Jul 15 2007 16:57:06 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sun Jul 15 2007 16:55:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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